
If I have another phantom pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know what I'll do...

I have PCOS and HPV which makes it close to impossible to have kids without the correct medications but every or every other month my body goes into this yearn for child and I have phantom pregnancies. It depresses me even more than the fact that I can't have kids in the first place. But everytime I take a pregnancy test just to make sure I don't hurt myself or the (fake) baby, but I just can't take it anymore.

Last period wasn't even a period, it was a very light blood and I only had to use pantie liners, but I took a pregnancy test durring it and it already said no and even though I know I continue to feel pregnant.




  1. I have PCOS also! There are times of the year that I want a baby so bad ( I miscarried less than a year ago!) That I start to think I am! I will take probably ten tests before I finally give up! It is a hard thing to deal with and like you i won't probably get pregnant again because of pcos! I wish there as something I could say to make you feel better but there isn't! The only good thing is that they have told you with the right meds you could try for a baby! When you are in a position to do that you may just get your baby!

  2. Hun.. I understand COMPLETELY. I've been there so many times. I have PCOS also and my periods are almost non existant. It is an emptiness that only women in our shoes can understand. The good news is that eventually (with meds) you DO have a chance at conceiving. Try to hold your head up.  

  3. I also suffer from PCOS and HPV i wa on the med and i try ed every thing for 6 year sorry to say in the end i gave up i spent about 20 thousand of treatments insemination and fertility clinics ..i attempted suicide obviously didn't succeed but i thank my husband for beaning there threw evey thing. I got my life back on track with the attitude i was just want meant to have kids .. started working 60 hour weeks finally i wasn't feeling well about a year lata i went to the doctors .. I WAS PREGNANT i was in disbelief .. i was in shock .. i now have a 18month old girl Taylor .. i JUST WANTED TO LET U NO THERE IS HOPE SO DON'T GIVE UP IT WILL HAPPEN .. just let life happen do not stress about it coz in the end stress gets u no were ..Good luck i nohow hard it was and the h**l i went threw ..Find a hobbies for now to express you feeling life maybe scrap-booking .. Keep busy Good Luck  

  4. I think you should go to your ob/gyn for a full physical, pelvic exam, and blood work. It's 100% normal for a woman to want a child, but you should ask your doctor if you're healthy enough for pregnancy and delivery before you try to get pregnant. Continue on your medications as well.

    Just so you know, it's not "impossible" to get pregnant unless you're missing your uterus or ovaries. It's harder and might take longer, but it's not impossible. One of my friends who'd never had a period in her life & had been told she would never have kids got pregnant about 7 months into her marriage. They'd been using condoms, but about 5 months in decided, hey, if we can't get pregnant, what's the point. About 8 months into it, she went to donate blood and found out she was pregnant.

    If you're stressing yourself out about something you really have no control over, take control. Either go on birth control to prevent it or ask about fertility drugs to make you ovulate.

  5. They usually say light periods which are basically called implantation. You probably would show up neg while its going on cuz the baby isnt fully implanted into your uterus yet which means that its not putting out hormones or enough hormones to be detected yet. I would wait a couple weeks after that light period or wait until your next period is due and if you miss that period then do a test. My test urine and blood never ever show up positive till after i miss my second period. Im on pregnancy #5 and all 5 have been that way with me. Good Luck

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