
If I have credit card debt in in America, but give up my citizenship and move to Canada, does my debt follow?

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does my debt follow me? Should I just throw out the bills, and start fresh in Canada? I'm talking about giving up american citizenship in exchange for Canadian citizenship and moving to and living in Canada? What does it take to purchase a home in Canada? to they have realtors similar to those here in America? Just wondering, because if, IF McCain wins, i am so outta this country.




  1. Canada has a separate credit reporting bureaus, however they do have Equifax up there and maybe some of the others now. Anyway the first thing they do if you apply for any credit is to pull your US credit report. If you have bad credit in the US, you probably won't even be able to get a cell phone up there.  It's also a lot harder to get a loan or credit in Canada because everything is much more highly regulated.

      Also many US banks and credit companies have Canadian offices. If they do, you will still get bills and calls from debt collectors eventually.

      The other thing is you can't just go to Canada and get citizenship anymore than someone can just come here to the USA and get citizenship. If they find out you are moving there just to skip out on your US debts, I don't think you will be there very long.

  2. LOL....I love it!

    OK, so explain to me again how Obama will solve your debt problems again?  

    To answer your question, your debt does not magically disappear when you leave the country.   They will put it on "hold" until (if) you return.  

    They can still chase you down in Canada and sue you, but that is extremely unlikely unless fraud is involved, or you owe a whole bunch of money.

    And if they do, they still have to figure out how to collect, because foreign governments generally do not cooperate in civil cases.  

    So head north young man....enjoy the free medical care and don't forget to pack extra warm clothes.  

    And remember...Obama is promising another stimulus check once he's elected.....but you won't get one if you drop your citizenship.    

  3. wow! i can't believe people like you all are going to vote and decide the fate of this country. unbelievable! Y don't you just get more into debt before the election by finding a card at the following site and maybe Obama will wipe out that debt too.  

  4. the debt doesn't follow. and you ain't moving. once you will see snowfall in may, you will want to come back to sunny USA.  

  5. You won't be missed

  6. I 2nd that, traitors won't be missed...bye! Typical democrat statement...just bail, that will solve everything....what a wuss.

  7. Ok I want to get this right you want to give up being an American because YOU put yourself way over debt and now YOU don't want to honor your self by paying off your debt or trying to fix it so you think Canada will take you and all will be well. Well buddy let me tell you America was not built on people like you so take yourself to whatever country you want you will still owe your debt or you can be a man and try to make things right. I think your ancestors would be ashamed of you. If you don't want McCain to win then stay and fight for your freedom to choose the next president don't run.  

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