
If I have crohn's diease is it okay to take SUPER PUMP 250 or ARGENINE AKG?

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If I have crohn's diease is it okay to take SUPER PUMP 250 or ARGENINE AKG?




  1. I would agree with asking your gi.. They are going to know best if there are any risks with drug interaction. There is no way of anyone being able to say yes it is fine without know what meds you are taking.. Sorry i can not give you a better answer but Crohns is a strange disease and what my dr would see as ok for me may not be for you.  

  2. If you do have crohn's disease, than I am sure you were diagnosed by a specialist. He would be the one to answer that question. You do not need an appointment to find this out. Just call his/her office and leave a message with the nurse. She will ask and call you back with the answer. Free, and easy.

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