
If I have genital herpes, how can I make a baby with my future wife through natural intercourse?

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I understand that the riskt of spreading herpes reduces when I have no signs of outbreak, but what are the odds of spreading it when I have no symptoms of outbreak to my partner without condom?

Also, how long have you had lived with someone who has genital herpes without you catching it?




  1. Suppressive therapy is generally the best option. It is not 100% but it certainly gives your wife a good chance of not contracting it.

    If your wife does end up contracting herpes, it will not effect the baby if it is within the first tri-mester. In the second and third it is more dangerous for the baby.

    Go to the doctors and have a chat before you start trying for children.  

  2. Go to the doctor. Have you ever seen the commercials about herpes? It doesn't matter whether you have an outbreak or not.

  3. your wife can definitely have a baby and you can do it through natural intercourse. if she for some reason catches it, the doctor will probably opt to do a c-section just to be on the safe side because if babies catch the virus, their immune systems arent strong enough to fight it off, but women with this virus have babies all the time, a lot through natural birth.  

  4. as long as u takes you medication regularly, u can still have a baby with her. she just really has to keep track of her symptoms and let u know if she even thinks she is going to have an out break. u should go to a doctor together and see if they have some advice for u as well. the odds of her getting genital herpes from u are drastically reduced if u are taking supressive or anti-viral medication. most doctors recommend a c-section in order to prevent herpes being passed onto the baby. i live with my bf for almost 3 years and 1.5 years into our relationship he gave me both types of herpes. but that doesn't mean that u will catch it as well. many people have managed not to pass herpes onto their partners. it takes skin to skin contact to pass on (usually during s*x). if the have an out break outside of where the condom covres then u still have a risk of getting herpes.

    BTW herpes can be passed even if u use a condom.  

  5. My best friend is a male. He's been dating his gf for almost 6 years. She has herpes, and he doesn't. She is taking a medicine that makes it less likely to spread to her partner. However, even that isn't 100% accurate. With or without meds, herpes can be spread even when you don't have an outbreak. You need to discuss it with your partner, as it is just as much their decision. If not more, considering that they are the one who will be jepordizing whether or not they get it. As for having children, my friend that I spoke of earlier has three kids with the gf that has herpes. She has talked about it before. They do something to prevent the children from getting it. I don't know the exact procedure. But it's possible. Don't be discouraged.

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