
If I have lap belts and the shoulder strap is.....?

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Inoperable, can I be ticketed under seat belt laws?

I have an 87 Toyota that has the shoulder belts that engage upon ignition. They DO NOT work. The lap belts are perfectly functional. I looked at the law in my state and it more or less says that seat belts must be operable. Says nothing of shoulder belts.

What do you think? Am I OK as far as seatbelt laws or concerned?




  1. You'll find out why they call it a "DASH BOARD"  that's where you dash your head during a high impact crash.  Fix the damned belts and drive safe.

  2. You'll be pulled over ... because the cops will see that your shoulder strap isn't on .  You'll  getting a warning for defective equipment.  So , save yourself the grief and get the shoulder strap fixed.

  3. You run the risk of doing a high speed face plant into the steering wheel if involved in a serious collision and you're worried about a ticket?  Why not worry about whether or not you'll survive a crash rather than if you will get a ticket?


  4. Unless you have an old car (pre-1976?) that was manufactured with only lapbelts, you must have working shoulder straps.

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