
If I have previously released two eggs, is there anything I can do to make it more likely to happen again?

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We have conceived twins once before, but lost one of the little angels and kept the other.

Is there anything I can take that might help to release two eggs again? Or is it just all down to chance?




  1. It's all chance. Even if you were to release two eggs again, it would still be unlikely that both of them would become fertilized. But there is always a chance.. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

  2. If it was from genetic predisposition, which fraternal twins often are, then yes absolutely! Also some fertility pills can make you release two eggs, as does advanced maternal age (over 35). I would say your odds of that happening are exactly the same as they were last time. The probability won't change form the last time unless you've altered variables (eg: you were on meds but aren't any more)

  3. no it chance

  4. i thought it was just 1 egg and it splits into two embrios or something making twins, :S

    but thats just me.


    oh well at least im right about the 1 egg part, hope u find out the information u need, good luck!

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