
If I have royal blood on my grandmother's line, is it possible to retain my royalty?

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Actually I have royal blood on both side of the family, but on my grandmother's side I have this thing where my ancestors were the breeding stock for kings, princes, and princesses. how do I retain this long lost royal line?




  1. More likely you can't unless you are the next generation for the throne. You can still recognized as a lord. You would have to show proof to the court of the king and queen just to get recognized.

  2. How can one retain soemthing lost?Doesnt make sense....

  3. Only if your grandmother had married another royal.  Because, otherwise it dies with her.  Titles and inheritences pass through the male line, just like we inherit our last names from our fathers in the USA.  A woman who was born a princess can marry a non-titled man, and retain her title for life, but she can't pass it to her children- unless there was a very special condition attached to the original confering of the title.  In England, there are some peerages (noble titles) that were expressly created to pass in the female line in absence of a male heir.  Most do not.

  4. The way you phrase the words "breeding stock for kings, princes and princesses", it sounds (no offense) as if your ancestors were lower class assigned to provide the "line of royalty" only. Kinda like a Holstein breed.

  5. probably would mean getting with one of your distant relations or even a cousin - thats how they kept the line 'pure' in the old days - urgghhh!

  6. Well...unless you're Church of England you've got no chance. They're the only royals allowed in the UK, not even Catholics. To be honest, I've never heard of a royal breeding stock and those people certainly wouldn't have been royal if they were assigned to that task...

  7. So your ancestors were stable boys?


  9. boop boop boop, yeah yeah, bairp bairp bairp, yeah! wo wo woop, yeah yeah, dare dare dare wo wo yeah yeah!!!

  10. Royal purity is a subjective and historical thing by chance.

    Usually who was cunning and ruthless enough to take a throne.

    it really helps  only knowing about what medical problems you may predisposed to.

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