
If I have run earlier that day, will I go slower if I go out later?

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Do I lose energy the first time I go out running?




  1. It depends. As long as there's enough time for you to get a sufficient break/rest in between the two runs you will not tire out. You will gain your energy back during your break.

  2. if you run in the morning and then go out for another run later that afternoon i would say that you shouldn't be going slower during your second run. a reason to why you might go slower in the afternoon after you have already run earlier that morning could be because it got hotter as the day went on, you didn't stretch well enough after your first run making it painful during your second run, or you could be dehydrated making it harder to run since you didn't drink enough water throughout the day in between your two runs. if you do all the right things you shouldn't have slower times in the afternoon. if you rest enough and do everything properly like stretching and hydrating you shouldn't be slower.

    hope this helped :)

  3. Well, what can you do that doesn't require energy?


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