
If I have stale paychecks or lost some paycheck(s), can the employer/bank issue me a new one?

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If I have stale paychecks or lost some paycheck(s), can the employer/bank issue me a new one?

I believe a few paychecks got lost through mail, and i may have misplaced a couple. Anyway, if the records show I never deposited/cashed the check, then doesn't it mean the employer/bank still owe me that check money? Can I ask for new ones?





  1. Contact your employers payroll department, have them check to see if the payroll checks issued to you within whatever time frame you're talking about were cashed or not.  

    If any were not, and no other check was re-issued as a replacement for it, then ask then to issue a replacement check for whichever ones were not cashed.

  2. After six months, the check is stale and must be replaced by the issuer.  If the issuer has a shorter time limit, and states so on the check, it might be as short as 90 days.

    The employer will be able to determine that the checks have not been cashed (paid).  Yes, they owe you the money, so contact your payroll department as soon as possible.  They will likely ask you to sign an affidavit stating that you have not negotiated the checks and that you no longer have these in your possession.

    Any checks that go back longer than three years likely have been turned over to the state of your residence as abandoned property.  If that is the case, your payroll department can assist you in making a claim.

  3. we wouldn't know. ask your bank or employer.

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