
If I have to travel 450 miles running at 70 mph how long would take me?

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If I have to travel 450 miles running at 70 mph how long would take me?




  1. 6 hrs. 42 min.

  2. approx 6 hrs 25 minuets not allowing for traffic or breaks for a cuppa

  3. it will take you 6 hour and 42 minutes. just divided 450/70=6.42

  4. Six hours, twenty-five minutes, and forty-one seconds if you travel the entire four hundred and fifty miles at exactly seventy miles per hour. However, if you start from a dead stop it will take you longer because your vehicle needs time to accelerate to seventy miles per hour, so you will need to factor in that variable. Six hours, twenty five minutes, and 41 seconds is a long time to sit and not need to use the restroom, and it's seriously not good for your circulation to sit for that long, so I would factor in an extra hour so you can take a fifteen minute breather every so often for your own safety. All of you nimrods who said six hours and forty two minutes need to wake up in school. Sleeping through math class is a sure-fire ticket to a career at the McDonald's French fry machine.

  5. 6 1/2 hours.

    Portland To Boise!

  6. 6 hours and 35 minutes

  7. You can run at 70MPH? Wow! I'm impressed. Do you have rockets built into your shoes? You should call the Guiness book of records. You will burn a heck of a lot of calories running 450 miles!

  8. 6.42 hours not 6 hours 42 min. 0.42 is approx. 25 min.

  9. What kind of car are you driving? It's amazing that your car can go 450 miles without stopping for gas.

    6 hours 30 minutes if you don't stop.

    7 hours if you stop for gas and bathroom breaks.

    I guess you're keeping Red Bull, water, and beef jerky in the car in case you get hungry/thirsty.

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