
If I have two more passengers, how much more gas do I use when it is only me?

by  |  earlier

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LOL o yeah, i meant how much gas to do save when it is only me?




  1. You won't save that much. It might not even be noticeable if you drive very short distances. You will save a little if you drive long a distance.

    Your driving habit also determines how much gas you use, so you might also want to consider that.

  2. What? Why would you use MORE gas for less people?

  3. about the same except with 3 in the car you can use the car pool lane and save more gas than driving by yourself

  4. Not that much.  A typical car weighs over 2,000 lbs.  So unless your passengers are giants, their contribution to the car's weight will be minimal.

  5. you should be asking,"how much gas do I save" when I drive alone

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