
If I have violated my probation and have moved six states away will the cops be looking for me or will they wa

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I have moved away from my home state and relocated six states away. I am on probation for possession of cocaine. a felony charge and at first they let me move to another state and now I am moving to another part of the same state. But they are telling me that if I am living in a hotel they can't accept me. so they told me that I had to either come back to where I was or go back to the state I moved from. Which I am not going to do either one. so what do you think? I am married and I stay with my husband and will not leave his side for any reason. Since that has happened to me I am unable to have a job. So, I am unable to support myself and I can't pay for the fines or anything. I don't know what to do accept to stay on the run and live my life until God calls me home. I don't ever plan on making anymore stupid choices that will get me in trouble




  1. You just made another stupid choice. Enjoy your stay in prison.

  2. A felony probation violation warrant will be issued and if you ever contact the police again, you will probably be arrested and shipped back to the issuing state.

    Good luck looking over your shoulder until you are caught.

    Personally, I would just move to where my probation officer told me and complete the conditions of my sentence. Seems much better than being an unemployed loser on the run from the law.

  3. You aren't very bright, are you? It's bad enough you violated probation and that you were popped for a felony charge...then you had to run? The police will be looking for you and when you're caught (which you will be, sooner or later) you can look forward to a good long stint in the joint.

  4. When you are on probation you are out of prison.  When you are caught violating probation, which you will, you will be in prison.  Why take that risk?  If you are in prison you would be away from your husbands side so if I were you I would move back until your probation is up.  Hopefully hour husband can visit you on weekends or every other weekend at least.

  5. LOOOOSER!!! Do you expect to illict sympathy because YOU chose to give society the middle finger??! Boo hoo, sounds like you're incapable of even holding a job. Do the right thing, pay your debt to society.

  6. WTF what are you asking yes you will be found when who knows but it will happen cant get a job ? all you have to do is turn yourself in it will make things better than if they come and get you believe me been there done that


  7. "I don't ever plan on making anymore stupid choices that will get me in trouble"

    Violating probation is a stupid choice.  I'm not saying don't do it, but it seems you will be very easy to find living with your husband.

    This is why people "get" new identities.

  8. Well, they won't exactly make a project out of you. If you blow off probation, they will eventually issue a warrant. They may or may not be willing to travel that far to get you, but there's only one way to find out. Make a trip back to the first state or call your original probation office. Explain your situation. Your current state is just working your probation as a courtesy for the other state. They may be able to work out something. They'll do what they can, since they really are in the business of trying to get you through probation successfully. Try it. It beats wondering when the hammer will drop.  

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