
If I install Windows XP Pro will I lose my files and programs?

by  |  earlier

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Please help me. I offered to do maintenance on my mother-in-law's pc and basically I tried everything and I believe her OS is fried and unfixable. I even removed all the spyware/virus's I could find MANUALLY and with a virus scanner. Did many other computer optimizing tasks as well.

So anyway to the point- She has Windows XP Home and I have a Windows XP Pro install disk... if I put in the CD and choose upgrade will it keep her FILES and PROGRAMS<<< Important!

Will it even give me the option to upgrade? I am basically trying to do a fresh install of the "windows" part but nothing else. If there is another method other than this please tell me.

Your answers will be gratefully appreciated.





  1. With your situation, there are a few issues:

    1) You can&#039;t just re-install the &#039;Windows&#039; part - the issue could still be somewhere, so you&#039;ll lose the files &amp; programs.

    2) You&#039;ll need to purchase her a license - she only owns a XP Home license, and unless you have a spare XP Pro license, it won&#039;t work.

    You&#039;ll need to run a System Recovery, which WILL involve losing all of the documents. If she has it from a manufacturer (Like HP or Toshiba), there should be an option on the Start Menu, or a CD.

    If neither of those options are available, try pressing F11 when you see the manufacturer&#039;s logo and do a full recovery. Make sure that you run a backup before, because she may lose her documents &amp; programs.

    If you built it yourself, or a local system builder did it, then install a fresh version of XP Home by booting from the disc. Consult Google for more info on that.

  2. hi depends if the xp pro is an upgrade, try running a repair before hand, boot from the xp cd select the repair option, recovery console, type logon to access the os and then type chkdsk /r

  3. Since the os versions are different there might a chance for problems. The best you can do here is try to install your XP pro to a new drive. And from that drive retrieve all the content from the XP home drive. Once all the necessary contents are removed, you can do a fresh install.

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