
If I install a fan in the basement to increase ventilation should it blow into or out of the basement?

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If I install a fan in the basement to increase ventilation should it blow into or out of the basement and why?




  1. If your goal is to move air only (and you do not have the concerns that the previous posters have indicated such as noxious gasses, the proper way is to take advantage of the natural stack effect that all structures exhibit, that is warm air to rise therby drawing in air at the lowest level.

    With that understanding, the fan size and power required to move the same volume of air per minute from bottom up is 1/3 less than the energy required to push it down and out. (Roughly speaking. Of course all these are variable dependant). If you want to be eco-friendly and low impact.

  2. you should install an Eco fan (or similar )they are installed by removing 2 bricks on the external wall of your basement.It sucks air from the room directly outside reducing the build up of damp and greatly increasing the ventilation.Running cost is approx $8.00/year.Hope this helps..

  3. The fan should exhaust the basement air to outside.

    Should there be any radon, or carbon monoxide gas present, you don't want to force those up into the living quarters.

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