
If I invent a drug that cures cancer, does government have a moral right to limit my profit?

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Let's say I invest $500 million and spend 10 years developing a pill that cures cancer with no side effects. I make a 10,000% profit margin. Does government have a moral right to limit my profit to what it deems is "fair"?




  1. Funny how that works in the greatest nation on Earth, huh.

  2. No. But you will probably have an accident. Big Pharma doesn't want cures. They make money when people are sick.

  3. you will be raided by the government and they will shut you down.  the government doesnt want a cure for cancer.  they are making to much money on medicines that help cancer.  if there is one pill to cure it the government will lose tons of money.  there will never be a cure for cancer on the market.  maybe underground, yes.  But not available to the public legally.


  4. No, nor do they have a legal right to do so.

    This is exactly why the oil companies are getting away with charging what they're charging.  Welcome to capitalism!!

  5. No, the constitution protects your right of ownership. Because America has some of the toughest patent laws in the world it leads the world in the number of patents and inventions. Just last year, Democrats tried succesfully to weaken patent laws. By doing so, Democrats are stifling innovation.  Innovation is necessary for a capitalist economy to grow (especially under growing global competition).


    "To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries; "

    Article 1 section 8

    American inventions:

    Plasma tv, electronic tv (1927 ), lcd screens, cellphone, digital signal processing (used in all cellphones). Java(used in most cellphones), DVD and CD's (optical recording), computer chips, personal computers, laptop computers, digital audio player, digital radio, digital radio tuner, microwave ovens, digital camera, laser printers, inkjet printers, windows operating systems (mac, microsoft, x windows), computer hard drives, computer chip manufacturing (America still leads the world in chip making), fluorescent light, advanced LED's, OLED, digital watches, GPS, GPS navigation, mouse, keyboard, unix operating systems, high level computer language, USB, remote controls, MASER, email, transistors,refrigerator,electronic calculators, VCR, internet, telephone, satellite communication, magnetron (1920's, G.E.), portable communication radios(walkie talkie), digital satellites, stabilized rubber(shoes, condoms, tires, etc), nuclear powerplants, moon rovers, martian rovers, copy machine, best modern medicines, iron furnace stove, electric stove, air conditioning, airplane(engine-powered), computer animation(motion picture), aspartame(sugarless sweetner), assembly line, automated teller machine (ATM), prepared baby food, bag (flat-bottomed paper), bandage (adhesive), barcode, barbed wire, blood bank, blow dryer, bra, bread slicing machine, portable camera, food cans, can openers, cardboard (corrugated). carbon 14 dating, cash register, cat litter, mail order catalogs, breakfast cereal, chewing gum, laptop computer, personal computer, oral contraceptives, cotton gin, crayons, credit card, heart defibrillator, smoke detector, artificial diamond, disposable diapers, dishwasher, drinking fountain, electric chair, modern rocket, escalator, fiberglass, freeze dried food, frozen food, genetic engineering, electric guitar, coat hanger(wire), electric iron, jeans, jello, kevlar, laundromat,lipstick, electric motor, morse code, nylon, paper towel, parking meter, phonograph (records), petroleum jelly, Post-it Notes, potato chips, car radio, electric razor, safety razor, revolver (gun), roller coaster, safety pin, Scotch tape, stapler, first successful steamboat, drinking straw, sunscreen, tampon(cotton), teflon, telegraph, toilet tissue, disposable tissue, tractor, automatic signal lights, viagra, video games, washing machine(electric), computer databases, handheld computers, glass bottle making machine, CCD(digital chips used in all digital cameras) which are used to convert light into pictures(also used in missiles made by the U.S., Russia, and Europe), DSL, CAT Scans "diagnostic X ray systems", laser ranging, laser multiplexing, air brakes, silicon solar cells, digital light processor, fiber optic wire, nearly all types of lasers, first laser medical treatments, microprocessor, automated telephone switches, radiator, modem, word processor, ethernet, 3-D computer graphics, nuclear submarines, liquid fuel rocket (invented in 1910's), etc.

    Also, most of the chips made in Asia are still designed in America.

  6. h**l no

  7. No, everyone is entitles to the fruits of their own labor.

    We live in a free market society and thats what makes us rich and prosperous all around.

    Taking money from someone is actually immoral. Its called stealing and they do it by force with is called authoritarianism.

    Now, if anyone invented one you can be sure the drug companies would try to bury it or they would pay off the FDA to not approve it. It is not a coincidence that polio was the last disease cured and that was only because the guys wife had it.

  8. Absolutely not.

    It is in fact immoral. It is a rape of the industrious to do such a thing.

    No opne has a right to a minute of your time or energy.

    This is why taxes are nothing more than coercion.

  9. Of course not, but the Democrats would like to change that.

  10. No No and No.

    Why should the government be rewarded for YOUR brilliance?

  11. You would probably have an "accident."  Government and pharmacy companies would lose billions if that happened.  What we have now are drugs and treatments that "sort of work." but are incredibly expensive = economic slavery.

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