
If I invent a new product and earn 75% profit margins, should my product be nationalized?

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75% profit margins are outrageous, right? Surely if I invent something that has that kind of profit margin I am "exploiting" people and must be stopped, correct?

P.S. - The company for which I work has gross profit margins in the neighborhood of 75%. Should we be nationalized?




  1. Yes or at least taxed to where you cannot grow your business.  How can the socialist create a larger slave base if you are out there wasting those "windfall Profits"  on jobs and contributions to the economy.

  2. Yes, you are making too much profit, but don't worry, the Democrats will solve that problem for you.

  3. Depends.   Do you expect the taxpayer to subsidize you at every turn?  Do you expect enormous tax breaks?

  4. According to the dominate Leftist Democrats running the party, YES.

    Unless you are part of the Hollywood Left or the media, all profits belong to the Government and should be shared with those who would put you out of your job.

    It's only fair!

    Last year Al Gore made $100 million while producing only propaganda. That must have been at least a 99% profit margin.

    Should Al Gore be Nationalized?

    Since he INCREASED the energy usage and his carbon footprint by 10% last year, and uses 20 times more energy than the average American family, maybe the environment would be better off if we turned HIM into carbon dioxide.

    His 24,000 square foot mansion should be compared to the tiny single level ranch home owned by George Bush.

  5. Totally. Should be nationalized and you sent to the hague to face trial for crimes against humanity.

  6. Only if the Democrat Politburo declares you to be evil.

  7. Absolutely!

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