
If I jailbreak my iPod touch will all of the apps from the apps store be on installer?

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I know that some of the apps on the apps store cost money and I don't want to pay for something I can get for free. I'm running 1.1.4.




  1. SOME of the apps on the apple store are on installer for free, but not all of them... What I would recommend is to upgrade to 2.0 and THEN jailbrake again. That way you can get the free apps with Cidya and anything else from the apple store.

  2. I decided to stick with my Jailbroken 1.1.4.

    There aren't any great apps available in the Store that I can't substitute through Installer. In fact, some of the apps I have for free are now available 2o purchase on the iTunes Store for as much as $10, e.g. Band.

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