
If I join the Army as an Infantryman, what will I be doing for a job on base when I am not fighting? ?

by  |  earlier

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Or will i just be training all the time?




  1. lol the idiot talking about joining the marines probably has never even set foot on a army base since he used the term like a small city for soldiers,a base is used for storing of weapons and other equipment, and housing for oldies, so no **** all goddamn bases are gonna be like that, what you would be doing on a base otherwise is physical training maintenance practicing with field equipment after which you will be cleaning it

  2. RANGER is the best infantry force in the world. rocker is a d-bag that watches too much tv, listen up kid there are only 3 types of people that think the marines are the best of the best= 1) people who watch too much t.v. 2)marines  3)former marines, you'll be doing all of whats above, get airborne in your contract, they are a little more high speed than the mech guys.(and don't forget friends and family of marines)

  3. basically you work out, run, clean things, all that fun stuff.

  4. That knuckle head talking about the marines and all that stuff doesn't have a clue.

    Just like the rest of the guys that answered, You will be cleaning all of the equipment that is detrimental to your task. You will also continue training, on everything that you will need in combat. You would be surprised at all the different types of equipment that you will need to be proficient with and that you will have to maintain.

    Good Luck

  5. join the Marines, much more better trained, thats where real infantry men are at, everyone knows that, ppl who deny it is cuz they don't know, or their in the Army and don't want to admit it, but join the Marines, if u go active duty, u will b on base, its like a small city only for soldiers, and right there u will work, w/e u sign up for, i wanna b a military cop, u can b anything, like anything thats out here, u can b on base, aaaaaaanything

  6. Training. There is a lot of equipment that needs to be cleaned, inspected and repaired also.

  7. Rocker is a panzy Rangers are the BEST infantry force in the WORLD.  

  8. Training and all the other fun duties that come with being a soldier.

    Inventories, maintenance on your equipment, field exercises, other schools (maybe) etc.

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