
If I join the Navy reserves, is it a certainty that I will be sent to Iraq or on deployment somewhere?

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I have been told that no mater what your MOS is, once you join you are always sent out on deployment. Is that true?




  1. I served a 4 year term in the Navy and inactive reserve after that.  Low and behold I DID get called for a deployment while in INACTIVE reserves.  So to answer your question, it is a decent probability however like has been said it's also a possibility that you won't be.  My friend who joined the Army sometime after I was in the Navy, he joined the Army Reserves to be more specific and was told by the recruiter that there was a small possibility that he might be called in for active duty.  After somewhere in the area of 3 to 6 months he was "activated" and spent a year and a half in Afghanistan.  "From my experience" it seems that it happens more often than not.  However you just never know.  It depends on how many people are needed at any given time and what spots they can fill because although my friend was a "Carpentry and Masonry Specialist" he was called in and often set on tasks for "infantrymen".  Sometimes it can be a drag on "outside life" but when the time comes we all have to what we need to get done.  Hope this information has helped at all.

  2. yea you can get deployed, there are some people who never do, but there are some people that serve three or four tours overseas, if you cant handle that fact, then dont bother signing up

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