
If I know someone who I believe is an illegal alien am I obligated to report them?

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If I know someone who I believe is an illegal alien am I obligated to report them?




  1. How would you know they were here illegally did you ask?  I am sure someone is going to tell  you Yeah I jumped the border!  Just because you see a hispanic person who doesnt speak English or you hear only spanish doesnt mean they are illegal.  They have every right in the work to speak what ever language they want.

  2. Only a piece of garbage would report someone for wanting a better life for themselves...I would be a nice, good, moral person and just live and let live.....

  3. As a American citizen I would report them there is too much strain on our system because of all the illegals in this country

  4. depends on your morality and patriotic compassion.  There is no legal obligation.  Do you have the moral nads to do what is right?

  5. It is your duty as a citizen of this great country to report the criminal illegal alien invader.  If we all did our share of reporting them, this country would be able to return to the way it was before we were invaded.  They need to go back to the cesspool of a country they left.

  6. No you are not obligated to report them. However, in many states, if you are transporting someone from the boarder to a hospital or other location, you can get in trouble. Most of the time, if you did report them, nothing will be done anyways. The immigration athorities don't general man-hunt one person. If, however, you know a company that has a quite a few, they would probably investigate that.

  7. As an American,yes you are.

  8. You are not obligated, but if you falsely report, you can face a fine. What makes you "believe" that person is illegally here?

    Racial profiling: is the inclusion of racial or ethnic characteristics in determining whether a person is considered likely to commit a particular type of crime or an illegal act

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