
If I land on a triple word score and use all my letters in Scrabble do I get total triple? Ex: 27 + 50 X 3?

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If I land on a triple word score and use all my letters in Scrabble do I get total triple? Ex: 27 + 50 X 3?




  1. The 50 would be added after the x3 is calculated.

    In your example, 27 x 3 = 81 + 50 = 131

  2. No. You triple the score of your word and only then add the fifty point bonus. For example, your rack is A C N T R I O. There is an open "T" on the board, and you can play off it. You make "TRACTION" and hit a triple word score. The word is worth ten points (C is 3), plus any multiple point letters you may score. Ten points is tripled for thirty, then you add the bonus. Your score is eighty.

  3. No, unless you're playing with you're siblings and can pull it off.

    using your example it would be (27 x 3) + 50

    ...tho i like how you think!

  4. No, (27*3)+50=131 points. 50 points is only once, can't be doubled or tripled.

  5. No, you get the 50 points just once.  It has nothing to do with the points you get for the word.  It is a bonus for using all your letters and isn't affected by the points for the letters or word.  Here are a couple of links that discuss the rules of Scrabble.  Have fun.

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