
If I left my job due to illness for 8 months can I collect unemployment?

by  |  earlier

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I worked at a Daycare center and was sick with EVERYTHING the kids would get. I never put a 2 weeks notice in because I was out sick for the weekend and didn't come back in.




  1. If you resigned rather than being fired, most likely not.  If you just quit showing up, you'd be considered either to have abandoned your job, or been fired for misconduct, and either way you aren't likely to be eligible.

  2. not unemployment but you could try social security if you can get a Dr. to say you are disabled.  You can't leave a job to collect unemployment.

  3. in order to get unemployment benefits, you have to be "available to work" and if you're out sick, you aren;t available and the last job you had you voluntarily quit by not coming back after being out sick, so that disqualifies you also. The Aug 4th date is probably when you'll receive an answer - most likely Not eligible for benefits

  4. Maybe, if you're able to work now and available for immediate hire and are actively seeking work.

  5. If you are now fit and well get up bright and early and start looking for work

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