
If I lied about my age to buy something on a website where you had to be 18, could they do anything about it?

by  |  earlier

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As long as I didnt tell them my real age (17) would they check to see that I am really 18? or would me agreeing to be 18 be enough?




  1. If your age was subsequently found out, they can close all accounts immediately and you would lose your money.

  2. hi renegade, i have to laugh at some of the comments that is givin to people that is answering questions but let's get to you answer; you are under age and the public has to protect your fragile little minds so as you won't grow up warped or deluded. like the movies do everyday that you turn on your television set do everyday. now if you verify that you are 18 when you are 17 coud be a mister meaner. but the truth of the matter is that someone that is seventeen is not able to go into a contract without your parents consent. so you verifying that you were 18 when you are 17 means that legally nothing can be done about this. but lets look at the other side of this when you bought your computer you made a promice to microsoft that you would obey all of the rules now any theif or juvenile deliqient can break the rules but not just anyone can obey them. it takes a big man to obey the law or the rules when there are so many but thats the differents between a man and a stupid kid and i am not talking about someone under 18 a lot of men act like a child everyday but a man obeys the law and the rules. good luck hope i have been helpful to you  

  3. I have a paypal account and im 14 xD

    Noone comes and checks and as long as you dont tell them your real age its fine

    I guess to them if you are old enouh to have a bank card then you are old enough for Paypal, even though you dont need to be 18 for a solo account lol :D

  4. They always send someone round to your house to check. Then it's court and a whacking great fine.  

  5. I have a paypal account and im 17, I lied but yeah... im not sure that they would actually go through and check peoples real ages. Its like a legal disclaimer.

    Like rapidshare saying that illegal files are forbidden to be uploaded when its the biggest illegal file website around haha.

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