
If I live between the Conroe/Cleveland area, will I have to worry about hurricane damage?

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Will I have to evacuate or anything for hurricane Gustav? Also, what category is it? Is it worth flippin' out over? Usually, all I get from hurricanes is just loads of rain.




  1. currently it is not coming tour there..

    it is more around texas border-southern lousiana right now.. but it could change.. you are inside the cone thing so that is a possible chance of it could hit you.

    oh btw im from houston :)

    hopefully it wont hit us.. but conroe and cleveland is well north so it would not be as bad as houston and galveston if it hits but it still going to be still bad damage.. so yeah. =\

    Good luck.

  2. If it comes right at you, the wind should have dropped by the time it gets to you, but there could be a lot of rain and if you've lived there long, you know how bad much of Conroe floods. Stay informed!!

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