
If I live overseas and can fly to the USA anytime for auditions, is an acting manager good to get?

by  |  earlier

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Would she/he be able to help me get set up ( I just finished an acting course here in Hollywood) and need a portfolio, resume and possibly more that the acting manager could direct me, lead me and get me set up for auditions with an agent during the time I return overseas. She could give me the heads up on stateside auditions and tell me when I need to return to Hollywood. How do I get a good manager and am I supposed to pay for one or do they just take a percentage off my acting paychecks and require a minimum of 3 year contract with them?




  1. Nobody in the world would offer a contract to someone who doesn't live in the United States.  Auditions are scheduled the day before.  Can you be in the US on 12 hours notice?  Not realistic for you, sorry.

  2. I don't think you need to get a manager just yet, you seem like a beginner.. just get an agent for now near you.  

  3. I don't think a manager is needed just yet. Get an agent first, then the manager will manage your schedule and jobs and stuff. The agent will get you the jobs. You should just send headshots and resumes over to agencies. However, I think if you can fly out without a problem, you should just move over here!

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