
If I lose my financial aid and I move out of state to live with an aunt could I get it based on her taxes?

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I think Im gona lose it cause i messed up last semester and this one, my aunt lives in Miami and she keeps telling me to move but wld I be able to get financial aid based on her taxes? I got everyting free based on my mom's taxes here in Connecticut. Would they not look at me cause I'm not her child and 19??




  1. No. If you  messed up your gpa and have your aid suspended, it doesn't matter where you live --you will have to get your grades back up to snuff in your next semester before it will be reinstated. That is generally the penalty after "academic probation".

    As far as who you live with goes, if you are under 24 years old and a full-time student away at school, your mom can still claim you for taxes/fafsa as an away student. However, if you reside with an aunt full-time (or during out-of-school sessions) either aunt could claim you as a dependent on her taxes, but not for your financial aid purposes. Hope this helps :)

  2. you can not put your aunt on your fafsa application even if you move in with her and even if she starts claiming you on her taxes.  With fafsa is parents/stepparents ONLY.  No grandparents, aunts uncles, unless they have legally adopted you.

    As for moving out of state, think long and hard about this because you will have to pay out-of-state tuition at any college outside where you currently are.  Out of state tuition is as much as TEN times what in-state is.  And it won't be instate after you have been there a year, no matter what others (even your aunt) tell you.

    Transfer to a community college and raise your GPA.

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