
If I lost my way in this life? What advice you can give me?

by Guest65607  |  earlier

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If I lost my way in this life? What advice you can give me?




  1. keep your faith&trust GOD

    make the best of the situation

    face your problem&do not run&try solvig it

  2. who says you weren't supposed to be just where you are-  just live in the here and now and things will work out

  3. Pray/make du'a to God and ask him what He wants you to do in life, and where to go, because it's only his opinion that matters :)

    But also in terms of being a responsible human on this earth and using the resources given to you here, I'd advise you to see a career counselor, therapist, take a vacation etc. whatever you need to help yourself out as well.

    But of course, in the end, the best advice is advice that falls inline with the words of wisdom and clarity that rabenna puts in our hearts. So I'd turn you towards God and prayer.

  4. Believe in destiny and be close to Allah.

  5. The best thing that has happened to you is that you have realized that you were lost and there is some problem which you have been able to identify. It takes a lot of courage and will to accept your follies. This is the first step to improvement. Next is that you have created your problems and believe me that you are the only one that can solve it. Somewhere in your heart you know the solution to the problem but are not willing to accept and execute. We all have one life to live make the best of it and best of luck . Hope is never lost that is why it is a hope.

  6. If you lost your way in this life, it will be too late for advise

    It's better to reject this thought in the first place, and foccus a bit more.. you'll be fine ISA

  7. Why do you feel you have lost your way?  Figure that out, and then you may have a path that you need to walk in order to find your way.

    Sometimes we feel we are lost because of life being mundane. Look within yourself to see what you need to do in order to "find" your way back.  I have a feeling you will be just fine.

  8. Patient, education and dont be with sheep.

  9. Do any of us really know what tomorrow will bring? I doubt it.

    My advice, do what you can, when you can, to make yourself and others happy. Don't worry about the little things, and learn that they're all little things.

    Having goals you're obsessed with (becoming a Doctor, finding a wife, whatever) only leads you to unhappiness because you won't see the other things the world is offering instead of those things.

    Accept that life is hard, and know it could always be harder.

    And remember, there is no "right way" in life and you can always take steps to change the path you're on.

  10. If you "Lost" yr way in life, you wouldn't be seeking advice to get back on the right track, you would still be enjoying whatever actions (i won't say sin.... cos that's a tough word) you are doing that.

    But then again Guilty feelings show that you care and you feel what yr doing is wrong..... so since you acknowledge that, you have to stop right away whatever yr doing and is causing u to feel this way, and you have to think back at the true reasons for yr actions..... there you will find yr salvation.

    Hold on to your faith and try to be closer to Allah as he will guide you and show you the correct way.... there is no greater feeling that being forgiven, its like taking the load of the world off your shoulders and finally you will be at ease with yourself.

  11. go walk the straight road

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