
If I make a 77% on my test, what will my average be now? Please Answerr ! 10 points.?

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My averaggee in my is 58.7.

So i just got my test back today and I made a 77%.

I know my 58 will go up because my test score is higher than my average.

What will my average be at noww?





  1. well it depends on how many grades added up to your current average because average is all your grades added together and then divided by how many grades there are. But the average of 58.7 and 77 is 67.85

  2. It would depend on how many points everything you've had graded so far were worth.  Because a 77% on a test that only had 10 questions would differ from a 77% on one with 100, and your average would change accordingly.  In order to figure it out, you have to figure out how many points you've had possible since the start of the grading period, then add up how many points you have received on everything, and divide your number by the total.  That's the only way.  Nobody can give you a definite answer, only an estimate, that could be way off.  It can't be figured out by looking at percents!

    Gotta do the work yourself!  Sorry!

  3. Are they the only 2 grades you have? If so it would be 67.85. If it's not the only grade that you have then you need to add all of your grades and divide the sum by the number of grades you have.

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