
If I make a steak marinade made of orange juice and olive oil, what can I add to keep them from separating?

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If I make a steak marinade made of orange juice and olive oil, what can I add to keep them from separating?




  1. You could add dijon mustard to help bind the two. If you are making a steak marinade you don't need to worry about the orange juice and oil separating. The steak will impart both flavors whether the two are emulsified or not.

  2. a little bit o corn starch will bond them into a bit of a sauce. but i think what they said about the ziploc bags is true and would not mess with the flavor. good luck and have fun.:)

  3. They will not coagulate, the oil will always float on the surface, but that doesn't matter as they both will come in contact with the steak after they have been whisked.

    Marinade in a plastic bag and give it a squish up from time to time.

  4.   put them together in the blender(along with any other ingredients)blend on high speed until fully emulsified .-works great for salad dressings too

  5. You can whisk them really well with a little wire whisk, but they won't completely mingle.  Put the steak and the marinade into a ziplock baggie.  Then you can keep turning it and that will help coat the steak with both components, even if they do separate:)

  6. There are two things you can do:

    1 Add something that contains emulsifiers (special molecules in food that help bind liquids that don't usually mix).  These are what make mayonnaise possible.  Anything that has egg yolks will be the best so some flavorful mustard (not yellow) would do.

    2. Add the oil to the juice very VERY slowly whisking very hard and fast while you do this.  You could also use a hand mixer or food processor to help you with this.

    Good luck!

  7. They'll never become a completely homogeneous mixture because water and oil don't mix-- and water is what juice consists mostly of.  You can mix the two well, and then marinate your steak in it-- both liquids will coat the meat.

  8. Here's a different point of view ::

    Why do you think separating is a bad thing?

    When it does separate it will still be working., won't it?


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