
If I make coffee and run the coffeee through the machine a second time, will it be stronger?

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If I make coffee and run the coffeee through the machine a second time, will it be stronger?




  1. yes it will be stronger but it will also be very bitter in taste

    the best coffee is fresh coffee

    x x x

  2. Most coffee pot makers tell you not to do this. It can damage your pot.

  3. I don't know. The water is heated up enough that it may act like boiling it. Coffee as it is consumed is bits of the bean in the water. Those bits can be left behind as the water is reheated and put though the system again. Depending on how much is left behind may make it stronger, the same, or weaker. The stuff that is left behind can burn and stink to high heaven of burnt coffee. It can also cause damage to the inside of your coffee maker becuase it is not designed to heat up anything but water.

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