
If I make pancake batter and don't use all of it, how long will it last in the fridge?

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It has blueberries and bananas mixed in too




  1. Don't keep it for more than a day..


  2. You might get a day, but the bananas will be turning brown by then.  Maybe scoop them out, if they are in chunks.  The risk is that the baking powder or soda will no longer work the longer it sits, and yoru pancakes will not rise.

    What we do is make all the pancake batter, and let them cool on a wire rack.  Then freeze in a zipper bag.  We reheat in a toaster oven, and they are nearly as good as freshly made!  Great for a quick breakfast!

  3. Use it up within a day.  You would be better off to make all the pancakes and freeze the leftovers.  Later you can just nuke them or pop them in the toaster.

  4. Use it up within a day time.. With the use of milk, blueberries and bananas.. it tend to spoil very quickly..

  5. Won't!!! It is a quick rising batter and the baking powder reacts immediately...that is what the tiny bubbles are. They are gone fairly quickly and when they are - no rising.  

  6. Actually you can freeze the mix but w/ the fruit in it then it may not make it so next time you should ad the fruit to the top or just split it up adding more batter if you need it to the one that has fruit in it.

    Then it will last in the freezer much longer then the fridge  

  7. it will look horrid and not rise as good as before but it will be usable for at least till tommorrow breakfast.  It does need to be covered tightly as well.  I always fry up all the batter, no matter how many and freeze the pancakes.  They reheat in the toaster or microwave and are great for that odd bedtime snack or when the kids wanted pancakes AGAIN and I just didn't have the time.

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