
If I make sure the fire is out, what is wrong with tossing cigarette butts out of the car window?

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If I make sure the fire is out, what is wrong with tossing cigarette butts out of the car window?




  1. are you joking? how about the fact that it takes forever to decompose, looks like c**p, and is disgusting.  For all of us non-smoking ,earth-loving people, i hope you are just one of those idiots who asks stupid questions to make people crazy and that you aren't actually that clueless.

  2. You smokers treat the whole world as if it were your ashtray. This is very ugly. Cigarettes are ugly, and people look really stupid with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths.

  3. Dear god, no wonder environmentalists have such a bad wrap. Someone asks a genuine question - seemingly concerned about his actions and everyone jumps down his throat. . .not only are you condemned for littering, you're also condemned for smoking. Yes, its bad to throw the butts. The nicotine absorbed in the butt can be at toxic levels for animals. They dont really take a significant time to decompose (say, compared to plastic), but nonetheless they should at least be disposed of properly. As for the smoking, everyone knows all of the negatives about it. Yet, you still choose to smoke. Why? Its your d**n right. God, nothing annoys me more that nay-sayers. . .

  4. D J and irishboney you are hippys therer is nothing wrong with it

  5. Do YOU want to take on the liability for all the other smokers who don't care whether it's really out or not?  They can't make a law that says only responsible people who make sure it's really out don't throw their butts out the window.

    Plus they look gross.  Imagine if everyone did that.  Sorry, I don't want America to look like Tijuana.

  6. The filters are not biodegradable.  It takes forever for them to go away.  Besides, do you enjoy looking at  nature with butts sprinkled everywhere?

    What if everyone just tossed their garbage out the window  as long as it's not on fire? Take a little responsibility for this planet.  You have to live here too !!!

  7. Because it is littering. The fibers are toxin and can cause animal to get sick. Poison yourself but please dispose of it properly. I have a suggestion, if the flame is out why not swallow them. That would give you a real boost of nicotine.

  8. Cigarette butts just plain look ugly.

    They are biodegradable though, so I can't see an environmental consequence.

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