
If I married a 9 year old girl would that make me a paedophile?

by  |  earlier

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Cos "The Prophet" Mohammed did.




  1. firstly why would anyone want to marry a child, and secondly i am glad i do not know you.  i am surprised that this type of question is allowed. sicko

  2. **** w***e!!!!!!!!

  3. Are you a Muslim?

    Are you a Prophet?

    Are you called Mohammed?

    In which case, no.

  4. What ever would posess you to want to marry a nine year old child that is discusting.

    What a  Perverted  world  we are  living in.   Bring back  Capitol Punishment for any child molester in fact hang the lot of them.

    Looks  like the paedophiles  have come on & give us the thumbs down  you scum.

  5. yep just like mohammed

  6. it is illegal to marry anyone under 16, and 18 if you don't have their parents permission.

  7. you're dumb

    back in those days it was normal to marry a girl when they hit puberty, and in those days girls hit puberty a lot younger than nowadays. so technically, marrying a 9 year old then wasn't considered paedophilia.

    get your facts straight before posting garbage like this

  8. Yes.

  9. If you're 10 yrs old or younger then maybe you are not... But why would you want to compare yourself with someone of a different time and era? I've read that long long time ago in the olden days where the mortality rate is around 30yrs old or so, people often got married by around 12 to 15 yrs of age.

    Anyway I hate pedophile so you can either emasculate yourself, get a therapy or I will get the cops to arrest you!

  10. Where in this world could you actually marry a nine year old?!  

    You don't know the answer??  That right there tells me you are/could be a pedophile!

  11. then he was a pedo aswell then

  12. yea well he was a perv

  13. why would you want to marry a child,yep you would be a paedo,thats disgusting

  14. Yes, society will call you a pedo.

  15. could you find a 9 year old who would want you?

    If you aren't serious,then I think that is a great question.


  16. thats not a serious question

  17. creepy



    and alot of other words

  18. Paedophile?....From the way you spell, I don't think anyone is dumb enough to marry" pedophile"!!!!

    "Mohammed" forgot to tell you that the "7 virgins promised" are as old as sin and as wrinkled  as prunes! moron!!!

  19. Well you wouldn't be able to would you.

    Yes, it is pretty disgusting by modern standards, but then so's an awful lot of stuff in the Old Testament.  

    Sadly it's not unusual even in some countries today to see girls as young as 9, 10, 11 married and having s*x with 40 year olds.  Some people have no respect for childhood and humanity generally, like the s*x tourists who go to Thailand and who buy children from poor Eastern European countries and sell them into the s*x industry or the evil b*astards at that school in Jersey.  It's a world wide issue, mainly involving men that crosses nationality, religion and race.

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