
If I marry somebody who's from Ukraine and is here on a student visa, can her mom and grandpa come here?

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I am an American citizen, and am wanting to marry this girl I'm talking to that's from Ukraine. She's currently here on a student F-1 visa, and after we get married she's going to be on her way to becoming a US citizen. I am wanting to know if it's possible for us to apply for her mom and grandpa to come to the US, and if so, what the requirements are. I like this girl a lot and would do anything for her to stay here for at least another couple of years, and if her mom and her grandpa are here next to her, she would be so much more happier and would stay here much longer. All the help I can get will be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch beforehand....





  1. ah the sad sorry of a Ukranian. If you are not Ukranian, she is nicely using you, they love to marry their own kind, and she is just trying to get you to sponsor her to stay in USA. I have seen it so many times. I  think you need to just come clean with her, and also you are legally supose to support her for 10 years after the marriage so she can get alimony off of you too. Sounds like she just wants to mooch off of you to get into USA, how about saying NO, and then watch her face get sad, and then immediately drop you.  Test it out.  I am sure she is pretending to be nice and loving but she wants to use you.  I don't trust them, you should see the websites of how many of them want to come over just without love just to get to USA and then they drop the guy, take his money, cause he has to support her for along time.  Personally, I wouldn't marry her.

    And since I have experience, since I am aUSA citizen living and married to a Canadian living in Ontario. I was used as a doormat and housekeeper rather than as a nice spouse for him. So he just wanted a immigrant from USA cause he couldn't find a stupid Canadian woman to put up with his ****. Sorry, but frankly when someone really really wants to marry you, that's when you put the brakes on. Tell her, "Can we just let you finish school and then decide a few months before you finish school?"  See how she will react. She is just using you, sorry.

  2. Please listen to Jack and Violet they are telling you the Truth.I know Love is blind but don't ruin your life.When my Husband was in the Service we saw this all the time  especially with east Europeans.All said you are a big Boy.Whatever you decide I wish you luck

  3. No, but her pet rat can.

  4. You personally cannot do anything. Her mother would be your mother-in-law. You could not petition for your mother-in-law.

    Your mother-in-law's father would not be related to you in any way. You could not petition for him.

    After you get married, she will not be on her way to U.S. citizenship. First, you'd have to petition for her to become a permanent resident. If she becomes a permanent resident, then after a 3 year waiting period, she can apply for U.S. citizenship as long as she's still married to you.

    If the marriage ends before she can apply for citizenship, she would have to wait five years before she could apply for citizenship.

    It will be a long time before she is a citizen, and she cannot petition for her mother until she is a citizen. She cannot petition for her grandfather.

  5. Dear Erik,

    I am very familiar with this situation.  I saw it many times when I was in the service and young men wanted to marry local girls.  

    First the good news:  She, by marrying you, will become an American citizen.  Her family will then have a sponsor here to smooth the process of them coming over.  It is not a sure thing, but it makes it much more likely they can come over.

    Now the bad news:  Although I wish you all the luck in the world, I have seen ...waaaayyyy too many times...this blow up in the guys face.  The girl professes love, marries you, get you to pay for all of her family to come over, you even have a child, the relatives live with you while they "get on their feet', you eventually get tired of running a free boarding house for immigrants.  Once everyone is here, she divorces you and gets half of all your stuff and nearly all of your money for ever in alimony and child support, you never get to see your kid, and you end up living in a trailer or a dumpy apartment, barely surviving for the rest of your life while they live high off the hog (compared to what they had in the Ukrain) and you are the #1 sucker.

    I'm sorry, but I have seen this sooooooo many times.  

    Do yourself a favor and think about this for a year, if she stays with you, fine.  But the odds are better than 50/50 that she will get impatient and find another guy who will do it.

    I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so tough.  I'm looking out for you friend.

  6. You can do it.  It doesn't happen quite as fast as some people hope. The marriage makes it much easier, tho.

    YOu didn't ask for a story but....  One of my friends was asked by a model if he would marry her so she could stay. In her home country she was poor.  He understood that she didn't love him and she didn't want to hurt him.  He was so crazy about her that he married her.  His love grew.  She left him after 6 months and he was crushed for years.  I was surprised.  I thought he would snap out of it but he couldn't . She was very pretty.  Maybe we should only marry someone's personality and not their face.

  7. After she becomes a US citizen, she can apply after being a permanent resident 3 years, she can petition her mother.  After her mother becomes a US citizen, she has to be a permanent resident 5 years, she can petition her father (the grandfather).

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