
If I move to Israel, do I have to serve in the army?

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I wouldn't mind at all. Just wondering.




  1. Hi Cam,

    Pay no attention to those who posted angry and hateful answers.  They simply lack identity and feel ashamed about their own feelings.  They feel threatened whenever they find out that a person like you wants to come and live among us.

    In contrast, we welcome you with open arms and feel proud about your desire to come live here.  

    In order to get specific answers to your question, it would be best to consult an Aliyah agent or contact the Israeli consulate in your area.  They will be able to further assist you.  Besides, you will have to contact them eventually if you wish to live in Israel, and you might as well get your answers straight from the source.

    I wish you the best of luck and may you always be blessed.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  2. if you make aliyaah (sp?) you have to if you are between 18 and 43 i think it is.

    2 years min. for women

    3 years min. for men

    there are laws of getting out of serving in the army.

    yeshiva students have a way of getting out of it.

    if you are just living there on a visa of some sort or studying and dont plan on immigrating then no you don't have to serve in the army.

  3. It depends on a few things:

    1) Whether or not you're Jewish

    2) Whether you're a new imigrant and have completeted your imigration

    3) your phisical state and age (if you're 20 and healthy they'll probably want you to join, but may not force you)

  4. We will be happy to have you amongst us.

    Headline News

    Monday, August 06, 2007 by Staff Writer  

    Record number of Americans join Israeli army

    A record number of young American Jews have committed to moving to Israel and enlisting in the 2007 Israel Defense Forces (IDF) draft, reported Israel's largest daily newspaper, Yediot Ahronot.

    One hundred fifty American Jews between the ages of 18 and 23 will arrive in Israel this month to participate in the draft, and all have requested that the army enlist them in combat units.

    Army officials said the number of American Jews who agreed to come serve in the IDF this year surprised them, considering that just last summer Israel was embroiled in a bloody and devastating 34-day war with Lebanon's Hizballah.

    The new recruits were described as being “imbued with Zionism and sky-high motivation.”

    The arrival of the American volunteers coincides with a social crisis within Israel regarding the growing percentage of young native born Israelis who are dodging the IDF draft.

  5. Cam,

    Only if you become a citizen. Immigrants who are not citizens are not required to serve.



  6. it depends on your age.

  7. If you're Jewish, yeah.

  8. if you make aliyah and you are jewish and a male u will be required to serve in the army

    and the israeli's love the americans, so dont worry, u will be made to feel very welcome as the israeli's arevery friendly and warm

  9. Yeh if you are Jewish and over 18 years old... then yes...

    I am from Tonga and I am not Jewish but I am converting to Judaism soon and will move to Israel (Aliyah) and hopeful I can join the Israel Defenses Forces... cant wait...

    Oh and also, my cousin, who is from Samoa, also converted to Judaism and married an Israeli woman, and he did served the army... (I think he wanted to do it), I am not too sure I can check with him again if you want...

    anyway, have a good one and goodluck...


    Israel and Tonga and Samoa forever. :)

  10. the Israeli people are all soldiers . Israel is an army stole Palestine !

    short and easy

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