
If I name my baby William do you think will he inevitably be called Willy?

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I really like the name William and want to call him Will for short. I know Willy can be a term of endearment but I don't like it very much. What do you think should I change his name to avoid this. He is only 2 weeks old. Oh and I don't plan on calling him Bill or Billy. Thanks a lot!!




  1. he might be called will or if he's short lil willy

  2. I know many William's and all young ones go by Will and older men go by Bill. As long as you call him Will or William than he probably won't be stuck with Willy.

  3. Only a mean person would call him "Willy" if you specifically state that he is to be called "Will."  

    Some people (like my stubborn father) insist on calling babies by a nickname, but those people are more likely to try to force "Billy" down your throat than "Willy."  

  4. I know 4 guys who were named William and each have different nicknames.. Billy, Bill, Will & Willy.  Your son will go by whatever you decide to call him.

  5. If he grows up being called Will (or even Liam) by you, then he and everyone else will realize that that is his nickname. If someone calls him a name that you don't prefer just politely correct them or keep calling him by Will. Btw I love the name William. It is youthful yet something he can grow into. It's a strong boys name. Great choice.

  6. You should have asked this before you named him William, it is too late now. I know Williams that are only called Will and not Willy, Bill, etc. If anyone calls him that, tell them not to. I prefer the nn Liam.  

  7. You call him whatever you want!  I know 2 guys named William that are my age.  One goes by Will and the other goes by Willie.

  8. I work with two Williams, both very smart and successful. They're both called Bill.  

  9. Call him Will and that's what everyone else will call him too - correct them (or let your son do so) if they call him anything else.

    I think Will and Liam are the best nicknames for William and I love the name too.  

  10. No I think most people would call him Will.

  11. I love William, but only if the nicknames Will. I don't think he will be, it should be fine.  

  12. I think the name that you call him will be the name that people pick up. Don't change his name. William is very nice. That's my uncle's name, and he goes by Bill (even though you don't like it). I've also heard of Liam as a nickname, on rare occasions though. But, no, don't change it.  

  13. Yes, you should change his name. Ronnie,Benny, Kenny, Henry, Jackie, Lenny, Larry,  

  14. I think Will is far more common than Willy.... sure sometime down the road someone will call him Willy. I wouldn't change his name because of it though...  

  15. I know about 5 williams and none of them are called willy--  

  16. no, don't change it. I like it

    Umm, he can be called whatever he wants.







  17. If you introduce people, to him, as will or william, they probably won't call him willy. I wouldn't change his name now, especially if you like will or william.

  18. I'm sure at some point in his life someone will call him Willy.  

    Go ahead and name him William.

  19. I have a friend named William, and we all call him Will.  Eventually it will be up to him as to what he will prefer his nickname to be.  If you call him Will though, it will probably stick with him.

  20. More likely Bill.

  21. Just tell people you do not like him being called that and ask them to refrain from it. My daughters name is Cadence and people wanted to call her Katie for short, no way jose. You may not be able to avoid it once he goes to school, but u can tell family & friends not to do it

  22. Bless your heart for thinking ahead about how your child might be called.  And while there's a chance those close to him might call him the diminutive Willy when he's little, if you and he continue to repeat his proper name, Will, then people will also catch on.

    I had a dear friend named Will--the strong quiet type of guy, not a Will-ee at all.  And William is such a strong name, it transcends the ages of time, it's a great name and he'll be honored to have it as an adult and may choose to use it instead of his nick name.

  23. Call him Will so everyone get used to it

  24. don't change it. just tell your friends and peeps that you dont like willy and that his short name is WILL. I had a friend and he had a baby brother called Benjamin. They all called him Beni. I once said Benji and his mom said they dont like Benji so nobody called him Benji

  25. he could be nicknamed Will

    here are some names u could like

    joseph,carlos,Alexander,Michael,Shawn,... James(T.J)

  26. Well, you can't change his name now. He is already 2 weeks old. I know 4 Williams and only one of them is called Willy. The other 3 are Will. It all depends on what you call him, and how he learns his name. If you teach him that his name is Will, he will go to school and say, 'Hi, my name is Will.' and all the kids will call him Will.

  27. I don't think they will call him Willy as long as you start calling him Will early on.  

  28. Just introduce him as "Will".  Maybe you like Liam?  You could introduce him as "Liam".  Either way, people will hopefully get used to it.

  29. Not if you correct people. Liam is also a nickname for William, but it is up to you to insist that people respect the name you have chosen to call your child.

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