
If I name only one child as beneficiary to Ins. Pol. Will he have to pay taxes on it?

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I have a small Ins. Pol. to take care of final expenses & small debts. I only named one child (of 3) as beneficiary.




  1. No, life insurance proceeds are not taxed. However you may want to add a secondary beneficiary in the event something happens to your primary. We don't like to think that our children may precede us in death but it does happen.

  2. insurance proceeds are not taxable, but could possibly end up being included in your estate for estate tax purposes.

  3. The answer PepsiLim... is generally correct, but not in your case.  If you have only a small policy AND your other assets would not be enough "to take care of final expenses & small debts" without the policy, then your estate would be too small to be subject to estate taxes, so there will be no tax.

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