
If I only drank Naked Juice and water for two weeks without any solid foods would I lose a lot of weight?

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I drink about 16 servings of water everyday (I love water) I take multi-vitamins and I dance constantly. If I stopped eating solid foods and just drank Naked juice and water for two weeks but kept taking the vitamins and dancing would I lose a lot of weight?




  1. Foods are necessary for the body. If you only do that you'lll lose your muscles and you'll be ill. It's too dangerous.

    Instead, try to have a diet. You can take a look at the diet below. It will make you lose weight ast with no damage

  2. Make sure it has no sugar content. You can take solids without starch, vegetables etc and you dont have to starve for the same effect.

  3. I found this on this website.

    There are more tips and info.

    go to:  How to lose 2 pounds a week?

    Go to: search "How to lose 2 pounds a week?"

    I believe that weight loss always starts from mindset. This is the reason why i am able to lose 15kg in 2 months and maintain for 3 years straight, all the way till my pregnancy.

    1) What is my goal? I want to lose __kg in __ time.

    2) Why do I want to achieve this goal? (if possible, come up with 50 reasons)

    3) If I do not achieve it, what pains will I have? (come up with as many reasons as possible)

    4) If I achieve it, what happiness will I have? (come up with as many reasons as possible)

    5) What will happen to me if I continue my current situation for the next 10 years?

    6) Then when do I want to take action?

    Some solutions I can offer you for diet:

    Breakfast: eat fruits/drink fruit juice

    Lunch: Less carbo, more veg and fruits, less seafood, meat and eggs

    Dinner: Same as lunch but no solid food after 8pm. Soups are great dinners

    If you want to exercise to enhance the speed of weight loss. Go for some light jogging or do something you enjoy like an aerobic class or kick boxing class...

    search "How to lose 2 pounds a week?"

  4. did you know that if you don't eat anything at all that you actually gain weight because your body thinks it's starving so it produces fat and stuff... but if you do it long enough your body doesn't have enough food/fat stored up to produce anything... that's why anorexics lose weight...

  5. yea you would, but that seems aneorexic. dude, you have to eat, because you can get sick. if you just take the vitamins with out eating anything, you will be dizzy and you can get sick from doing stupid c**p like you are planning.  

  6. Yes, about the same weight you would lose if you amputated a limb. I figure thats your next question..if I cut off a limb, how much weight could I lose...

  7. plz dont!!!!!

    i did that for 40 hours 4 the 40 hour famine and i almost fainted!!!

    u cant think properly or run or do anyhting that uses energy

    plz plz plz plz plz dont do that to yourself!

    how bout only having water, juice, vitamins, low fat milk, vegies, fruit  and wholemeal bread instead

    this way you will lose weight without over doing it

    it would be horribly unhealthy and ur body will try to put on weight and not burn it so when u stop u will put on weight twice as fast

    the best way to lose weight is by eating healthily and exercising regularly

  8. would you lose a lot of weight? um, yes. probably around 15 lbs depending on your current weight,

    i don't think you'd be able to keep up the dancing though!

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