
If I only drink water & eat 1,000 calories a day will this help me lose weight?

by Guest33529  |  earlier

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And if I lose the weight & start eating 2.500 calories a day after losing it will I put it all back on?

I am 5"8 & weight 185 lbs. So i am 42 lbs overweight, is it possible to go over weight again when eating the RDA?




  1. 2500 is a RECOMMENDED daily allowance. You need to determine what your daily caloric expenditure is, or how many calories you're burning in a day.

    There are about 3500 calories in one pound of fat. That means to lose 1 pound you need to consume 3500 calories less than you burn. To put on 1 pound of fat in 1 week, one merely needs to eat 500 extra calories/day

  2. No, you're body will just turn everything you do eat into fat to get energy.

  3. NO, thats not healthy! You need WAY more then 1000 calories, or your body will think its starving and convert every calorie it gets into fat.

    Try eating 1,500 - 2,200 calories a day, but all healthy calories - and do a lot of cardio.

    That is the best, healthiest, and quickest way to lose weight.

  4. one thousand is so little that's like one whole meal.

    heres a couple tips,

    drink a lot of water.

    excersize or simply walk more then usual.

    (18 minutes of your favorite thing to do as in swimming,

    bicycling, walking, jumping rope every other day will help quickly)

    eat 3-4 SMALL meals a day. make sure you eat a raw vegatable,

    such as a couple carrots.

    abslutely no soda, energy drinks, coffe, mcdonalds,

    any fast food.

    if you can only get fast food at the time order the small on everything.

    and dont eat the fries.

    get enough sleep, sleeping helps make your metablosism faster and sleeping for a whole 6-8 hours burns more calories then sitting around for 6-8 hours.

    dont shop online, go to the store and shop. that can be a whole days excersize!

    Im 5''2 and I weighed 130, it took me three months and i lost 29 pounds

    doing all this.

    Eat breakfast, you wont be hungry later, and you'll have energy to make it during excersize.

    for lunch you could have a slimfast, and dont eat for atleast four hours after having it.

    you could even just eat a slimfast bar for breakfast. you wont be hungry for atleast four hours. promised!

    really all you have to do is make sure you get a lot of water, sleep, and burn more calories then you eat.

    if you eat 3,000 calories, excersize for like thirty or fourty minutes on top of your extra daily walking or something.

    you wont see results right away! you have to work at it and just believe in your self. if your trying to lessen how much you eat, start by taking away one snack that you'd uusally eat. then move on to taking away

    that other snack. and keep going until you've reached your goal of consuming the number of calories you want.

    take it step by step and dont over do anything.

    And yes you would probably put back on one to three pounds if you started eating more. but jsut eat healthy and excersize it really works.

  5. Start eating 1800 calories a day (don't just eat the calories only eat healthy foods and if you must have any junk food make it small amounts) and go for a 1hr walk and you will loose the weight.

  6. That would work, but it will make you weak also.

  7. Weight loss is a tricky topic. Lots of people are unhappy with their present weight, but most aren't sure how to change it - and many would be better off staying where they are. You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines and on TV, but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you. Besides, no magical diet or pill will make you look like someone else.

    So what should you do about weight control?

    How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!

    search :

  8. yes for all of 5 days until you eat 1 wrong calorie and gain all back.........just try exorcising...........Im 13 and my moms a profeshional body builder... so trust me  

  9. Start off eating 1800 calories a day and increasing your daily exercise slowly. (Add an extra 15 mins per day)

    Weigh yourself after a week and if you've lost weight continue eating 1800 calories per day but every week add and extra 10 mins onto you exercise regime until you're doing an an hour a day (5 days per week).

    After a few weeks you'll probably find that your weight will plateau, that's when you reduce your calorie intake by 150 per day. (Don't ever go below 1300 kcal)

    Once you're nearing your goal weight (5lbs or so) you may want to start increasing your calorie intake in small increments. That way you'll still be losing weight but you'll get your body used to eating the extra food.

    Keep weighing yourself every week and the calories you've consumed on the week you don't lose and don't gain is what your body requires.  Don't forget to continue with the exercise.

    And make sure the food you eat is healthy aim for 5 portions of fruit and veg a day and 3 dairy and 2 meat or meat alternatives and don't forget your carbs! 3 or 4 portions from the breads and cereals group too!

    Good Luck!!!

  10. how about this, exercise and eat healthy. eating 1,000 calories will just make you weak

  11. Yes it will but it is not a safe way to lose weight, The best way is to eat health food and exercise 5 time week for 30-60 min per day.    

  12. It will but it's not as healthy as exercising and eating right.

  13. yes that will help you lose weight

  14. Well being a NP

    a 2,000 calorie diet is healthier and will help you lose weight.

    but along with it you want to make sure you eat plenty of fruits and veggies to help your digestive system which will help you lose weight faster. also exercise daily. it doesnt have to be going to the gym. walk around the block a few times a day everyday. good luck!

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