
If I only targeted one religious group (it could be yours)...?

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with negative questions and comments, what would most people think of me?




  1. I see it a lot here. I am fine with it. I am happy to give people answer for my hope I have in my Lord Jesus Christ

    My ministry is Jehovah's Witnesses like you, and I have a lot of compassion for you. However, if my questions and answers seem negative, it is probably because you think you are right and I am just slandering your organization because I do not have the truth.

    The Watchtower claims to be the only true channel of communication between God and people, and I am strongly against that teaching.

    However, I am not questioning  ( and answering ) only JWs, even though it might sound like it.

  2. Mostly i would think that this is your way of expressing how you feel. I would really try to find out the reasons for your negativity and hopefully help you get through it.

    Song of Solomon 8:7 (King James Version)

    7Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

    Love looks beyond what would seem to be the obvious.

    God Bless You Richly

  3. Good question!

    First of all, I would assume that you once BELONGED to that particular group.  I would assume you had alot of inside knowledge of that religions beliefs.  Then I would think you came to the realization that you were indoctrinated for many years with false teachings and are trying to help others gain freedom from any brainwashing tactics associated with that group because you were at one time defensive of this group yourself.

    I would also assume that you were alittle discusted with some of this religious groups practices that cause harm to it's members.

    Otherwise....this is the whole point of Y!'s about debating about subjects that you know best...not just getting recipes or suggestions on what to do about your nagging girlfriend!

  4. I think you tell it like it is and get your point out what ever the message, we have freedom of speech or supposed to have but it is curtailed here at Y/A by the reporting system, i will give you credit, At least you are willing to stand up for what you believe in, some will run when it gets hot in here!

  5. Well, if it was really you, you target all the other people but not your fellow that does not bother me at all. You do not leave often nice comments and you have very belittling demeanor...holier than thou attitude

    I am trying my best to spread the right gospel about the right and true Jesus. I know that rubs people wrong way. I think I have never called anyone a bigot, and I am proud of that

  6. just as the watchtower said today in our lesson. we are to love everyone as Jehovah loves everyone. Jesus Christ commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves. and as the sisters said we would be a bigot, if we targeted one religious group over another

  7. Guess you got told!  LOL

    Edit:  OK changed my mind. I decided to answer your question.

    I am loathe to do so in that I have answered it many times already.

    I am a Christian..That is my Church..Even Witnesses know that Church is a group of Christian worshipers. I agree with Simon Peter in that I will not align myself with a denomination, although I find grace and wonder in this little Baptist Chapel that I attend.

    There are disagreements in Gods Christian Organization....The difference between Our Christian Organization and yours is, that it is OK to disagree and lovingly debate....Only the things that are not essential Christian Doctrine....The Apostles did it and so do we who are Christs sheep do it today...NO sin in that....The sin is buying hook line and sinker, everything you are fed from a man made organization that claims to be Gods only prophet and it always Wrong.

    I loathe the Watchtower I should...I do not loathe Jehovah's Witnesses...I feel that they are blinded and abused and taken advantage of and denied the wonder of Grace.  It is a Works Based religion and it is a circular rat race in which you do not know if you are loved by God ant any given moment.

    I also fear that Witnesses are unknowingly following Satan and it will cost your soul.....NOW...That being said,....Having the past that I do have with the Witnesses...Most of you know about it...What would you do were you in my shoes.?

    P.S. The outrageous way that most of the witnesses have treated me in this forum, for edxposing the abuse I was subjected to and covered up by the 2 witness rule, is pathetic. Only 1 time has a Witness e mailed me to inquire about my past and offered me a christian hope in healing....JUST1

  8. I would think you have a serious problem with seeing the big picture, and that you have some sort of vendetta.  And you certainly would not be doing the work of God.


  9. I don't think being negative is ever a positive thing.

    Unless it is exposing deception.  But then the question or comment should use discretion.  Sandwich it.  God can work all things for the good for those who trust in Him.  

    Regarding the 'Secret' & the 'Law of attraction'.  We should think 'life' & then speak 'life'.  Instead of thinking of what is wrong about this & that religious group.  This isn't always easy to do.  Because some of the deception needs to be uncovered.

    I guess when Jesus spoke to the 7 Churches in Revelation.  He was very specific about certain false doctrines entering His Churches.  And I believe there are false doctrines in all the Churches. The differences being the strong denominational differences.  The True Church is founded on the Rock, Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God.  There is also mans doctrines in those Churches also.  These cause division even within the denomination of the Church & also cripple the Church.  So the Church doesn't walk in the victory it is suppose to.

    To me, the Church isn't a denomination of protestant or a denomination of Catholism.  The Church is the 2nd born nation of Christ (Israel being the 1st born nation of the LORD God).  (The greater blessing going to the 2nd Child through out the Old Testament.) And the Church is people in many different Church denominations who are on the Rock foundation, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, the Lamb of God & the Resurrection & the Life.    And in Christ we receive the greater blessings.  The first Nation of the LORD being Israel is a shadow of the things to come.  And the 2nd Nation in Christ.  A strange people, a new nation, a holy nation, etc... ; are really countless people from all nations.  They are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God, who bore our sins on the stake (cross) & because He was without sin, He raised from the dead for us.

  10. I would wonder what the heck was wrong with that group that you felt that way about it.  

    People don't feel that strongly about something without good reason and the more strongly they feel, the more of a reason they believe they have. If they have been hurt by a particular group, they are, naturally, going to feel extremely negative toward it.  A person is only a bigot, if they have absolutely no reason at all on which to base their biases.

    What group are you talking about anyway?

  11. If you asked questions they could not and would not answer, if they had a history of false prophesy and you pointed it out and if their literature was full of flip flops and they changed "The Truth" frequently, I would think that you were a logical thinking person,asking questions that should be answered.

    But you, yourself, Mr. Linedancer are  a Jehovah's Witness, one who aggressively attacks others but never answers a direct question.

    You are full of negative comments, but never quite explain all the contradictions and false prophecies of your religion.

    For example, the numerous times the Watchtower literature says Armageddon would come before the end of the 20th Century.

    If you care to really be embarrassed, I'll be happy to load this answer up with direct quotes from Watchtower literature that you can look up on your on CD.

    EDIT: ANNA, you go girl!!!

    EDIT: I see Witnesses throwing the word "bigot" around. So since Witnesses disagree with All other religions, that word would apply primarily to them.

    EDIT: LOVER OF JEHOVAH AND JESUS says" just as the watchtower said today in our lesson. we are to love everyone as Jehovah loves everyone. Jesus Christ commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves. and as the sisters said we would be a bigot, if we targeted one religious group over another"

    Witness don't target one religion over another. They target all equally. I guess they're not bigots. They hate all other religions equally.

    Watchtower 10/1/05 pg 24:

    16 Revelation chapter 14 goes on to describe further events that are to take place in the hour of judgment. Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, is mentioned first: “Another, a second angel, followed, saying: ‘She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen!’” (Revelation 14:8) Yes, from God’s viewpoint, Babylon the Great has already fallen. In 1919, Jehovah’s anointed servants were set free from the bondage of Babylonish doctrines and practices, which have dominated peoples and nations for millenniums. (Revelation 17:1, 15) They could henceforth devote themselves to promoting true worship. Global preaching of the good news of God’s Kingdom has taken place since then.—Matthew 24:14.

    FYI, "Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion" is all other religions, except Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Oh, MR. LINEDANCER, the Wathtower literature targets other religions with negative comments:"

    Watchtower 4/1/2000 page 10:

    "Through the pages of Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, Russell and his associates courageously denounced false religious doctrines that misrepresented God. They discerned that—contrary to popular religious opinion—the soul is mortal, that at death we go to the grave, and that Jehovah is the only true God and therefore not part of a Trinity."

    "As you can imagine, though, such exposing of false teachings angered the clergy of Christendom. Eager to hold on to their influential positions, many Catholic and Protestant clergymen organized campaigns aimed at discrediting Russell. But he and his associates did not give up. Confidently, they looked to God’s spirit for guidance. “Our Lord’s assurance,” said Russell, “is that . . . the holy spirit of the Father, sent on account of and at the instance of Jesus our Redeemer, Mediator and Head, will be our instructor.” And instruct it did! These sincere Bible Students continued to take in the pure waters of truth from the Bible and proclaim them worldwide.—Revelation 22:17."

    ...and they target other religions:

    Watchtower 9/15/78, page 11:

    "The recent Mormon “revelation” that blacks of African ancestry may now enter the religion’s priesthood has left many persons honestly wondering: Who stopped discriminating . . . God, or the Mormon leadership? Church president Spencer Kimball’s letter of explanation to Mormon officials apparently blames God for allowing blacks to remain second-class members of the church for so long: “[God] has heard our prayers, and by revelation has confirmed that the long-promised day has come when every faithful, worthy man in the church may receive the holy priesthood . . . without regard for race or color.”

    "However, observers reasonably might ask if the change had a human, rather than divine, motivation. A former Mormon lay high priest who, in 1976, ordained a black to the priesthood and was excommunicated for his action, labeled the recent change a “revelation of convenience just as the decision to stop polygamy [in 1890] was politically inspired.” Indeed it must be asked whether human rights pressure both from within and from outside the church did not influence church leaders, who had based their former race ban on passages in Joseph Smith’s “Book of Mormon” and “Pearl of Great Price.”

    "Certainly when religious dogmas are based on man-made, non-Biblical sources, they are bound to be exposed, revealing the very unGodlike qualities of the human source—very different from “the word of the Lord [that] endureth for ever.”—1 Pet. 1:25, “Authorized Version.”

    The above says "However, observers reasonably might ask if the change had a human, rather than divine, motivation."

    The inventors of "New Light" have the gall to question the Mormon's change up.

    BWAAAHAAAAAAAAAAA. You can't make this stuff up. All from Witness Literature. Look it up.

    A further comment on the above article that says "Who stopped discriminating . . . God, or the Mormon leadership?

    I would ask who said Armageddon would come in 1914, the end of WW1, 1925, 1975, within the 20th century and before the 1914 generation died, God or the Watchtower Society leadership?

  12. My dear friend LineDancer...

    Out of your 96 questions... how many of them are NOT belittling Trinitarians and those that believe in the Deity of Christ?  

    Not very many.

    Now, since the Bible clearly says that we will be judged the way we judged others.....  allow me to ask you if you have room to cast the first stone?

    I didn't think so.

    Now, let's reconvene and understand that the bigger problem here is that you are looking right at Jesus and denying He is God in the flesh in at least 90% of your questions. Further, you belittle and mock people that believe that Jesus is in fact God.

    What do I think of you? That you are a poor lost soul needing all of the Born Again Brother and Sisters prayers for coming to the saving truth of our Lord God Jesus Christ.

    John 8:24

    I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I AM HE, ye shall die in your sins.

    Who is the I AM HE that Jesus is referring to?

    Who did people believe Jesus to be?

    Luke 1:68

    Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people

    John 20:28-29

    And Thomas answered and said unto him, My LORD and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

    John 1:49

    Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

    Yes, that's right. He said Jesus is the Son of God AND God.   Who is the King of Israel?

    God is!!!!!

    Isaiah 44:6

    Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

    1 Timothy 3:16

    And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

    1 John 5: 10-12,20

    He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.

    And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

    He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

    And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

    John 14:6

    Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

    Jesus is both true and God.

    He's waiting for you to choose Him. His arms are open. He's willing to give that eternal life to you. Get to know Him.

  13. At various times there are certain specific questions that seem most urgent to each person, and each must work through the ramifications of our faith.  It would be nice if we could present things positively, but that seems beyond most people.  sorry if someone is stepping on your toes.

  14. That you're trying to save people from joining a destructive high-control group that could destroy their lives?

    A better question would have been: "Should you be counting your time on the internet?"

  15. Many groups do target my religion: Christianity.

    We've been labeled as bigots. And there are some who profess to be Christian who ARE bigots.

    We are assumed to be incompetent and naive. Perhaps some who claim to be Christian also fit these titles. Personally, I don't know any.

    And more specifically, the label that come from your group: I'm called an "apostate" which has the underlying assumption that I'm a flat-out liar who hates you.  Completely UNTRUE.  For one, I never left my former religion.  I left my MOM's religion, prior to baptism. Secondly, I have learned why it's not "the truth" so I feel obligated to share what I've learned with those who, like me, have been deceived.

    I realize that there is no one better suited for the job then someone who studied their doctrine for 10 years as a child, then spent the last 6 years trying to unlearn the indoctrination.

    So think of me as you may, but I feel that God has called me to reach out to those who have fallen snare to the false prophet known as the "Governing Body of JWs."

    The GB is MUCH like the Pharisees of Jesus' day. What choice words did he have for them!?! You'll remember it was the leaders that he directed his "Woes" towards. Not the people who had fallen snare to their false teachings. He was full of love for the people. That is the model I try to follow.

    As for those who target my group, I understand where they are coming from.  I spent 10 years calling people "apostates" with the utmost disdain.  Then I spent 6 years being angry at God.  So now, I try to show compassion towards those who do this and I'm hoping that they will yield to the Holy Spirit, as I have done. (Not to say that the arrogance of certain Y!A members doesn't still get to me at times.)

  16. That you have no knowlege of Jehovah and his son,John17:3

    THE ability to speak is one unique trait that separates us from the animals. Sadly, some people misuse this privilege.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœThere exists the one speaking thoughtlessly as with the stabs of a sword,” says the Bible.—Proverbs 12:18.

    “Out of the same mouth come forth blessing and cursing. It is not proper, my brothers, for these things to go on occurring this way.”—JAMES 3:10.

  17. I take your point linedancer - but I believe Anna has answered in the most honest and clever way.

    The scriptures cannot be denied.

    I pray the Holy Spirit will reveal His truth through God's most  *wonderful*  word Anna has given to you..

    Love and every blessing x

    Note to SARCASTIC WIT:      The group linedancer is referring to are Jehovah Witnesses, and linedancer belongs to this group.  The question is about another poster..

    Thought it only fair to fill you in        :   )

  18. Jeremiah 27:10 "For they prophesy a lie to you in order to remove you far from your land; and I will drive you out and you will perish.


    The liar and false prophet shall fall.


    The Hebrew is "poisoner".

    Suffer not a "poisoner" to live among you.

    Heretics and poisoners must be told and the unwitting followers taught.

    They want to take your inheritance, your hope, your land, they want to take your inheritance (earthly- from your family and heavenly - through Jesus) from you.

    Here are more verses:

    Le 19:26,31


    De 18:10,11

    1Sa 28:3,9

    Isa 19:3

    Ac 8:9-11



    Ga 5:20

    Re 22:15

  19. depends on the questions...The same can be asked if one is asking questions about a religious group and the responses from the members are negative and filled with a hint of hate at times..what would that tell us ?..

    I ask many questions to JW's only because I am familiar with them and their beliefs..I am not familiar with Mormons, or Catholics and such. I ask questions that do not have negative comments to them at all..and many. many get deleted when they are not able to really answer them . One would have to ask why? Why is that? WHy does one not turn the other cheek if they are the truth?

    I ask many questions because I am researching and trying to reason with the scriptures for my own benefit..and some are asked to JW's in order to get them to see outside of the WT teaching..and reason from the bible..To make sure of all things. Not being as an attack by any means to their religion.

    JW's are super kind, honest , nice people with a true love of God..just as are my Christian friends of other faiths..and myself as well. They are normal people who have great sense of humor and are lots of fun to be around in a normal setting or gathering.

    Why do some of our questions get reported anyway?..If it is not JW's reporting them..then who is? ..I asked one earlier in regards to worshiping Jesus../ Angels..within an hour it was gone..? Turn the other cheek as Jesus says to do if you don't agree with a question. That is what I do..I have never reported a question or an answer..even if they make me realize I have made an error and need further research.

  20. No-1 you are secretly interested in my religion

    2.. you have negative undertones with my religion have a history related to it, good or bad ....

    4....think of you?....coward hiding behind the computer

  21. They'd realise you're a bigot.

    Especially if you asked the same questions over and over with the same twisted assumptions despite my (or other's)correcting you awarded Best Answer to someone who agrees with you, Vot would say "Your loss, bigot."

  22. I think you are making a good ironic point.  People get so wrapped up in how they feel about something themselves, they stop thinking how others feel.

    I think it is good to be discerning.

    I am amazed at how much people have said on this.  I think there has been some overstretching on points being applied to this question.

    I love you all anyway.

    Good day

  23. I cannot speak for most people, but if there was a person who targeted a specific religious group and asked the same few questions over and over, I would think that they really did not want to know the answer, but that they had some ulterior motive.

    Their gleeful vindictiveness would indicate to me that they really did not care about the individuals in the targeted group, but perhaps they enjoyed feeling superior, stirring up contentions, and contributing to a negative atmosphere.

    If they were sincere in wanting to "help" those who are "misled" perhaps they should think a bit, and apply the old axiom- "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar."

  24. Even negative comments could and should be looked at as possible things to look at. I like to see if I am wrong sometimes by looking at the other point of view.

  25. I do not have any problem with that. I am happy to answer.

    I see that people use the word " bigot" very losely. They are bigots themselves. I do not think it is very Christian to call anyone as bigots. Of course, everyone does not want to be Christian

  26. Vot used the term "bigot" - the dictionary defines a bigot as follows:

    "a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion. "

    Vot, most BAC's (born-again Christians) I know are very open to differing creeds, beliefs and opinions.  You don't see it on the board, but I know someone that has a ministry to ex Jehovah's Witnesses that is a BAC, and she had I have had some very enthusiastic, healthy discussions, debates, disagreements .... about non-salvivic issues, and at the end of the day get along real well - no harm done.

    But JW's are taught NOT to think independently, and are force-fed doctrines and teachings, and are highly discouraged from coming to their own conclusions.  I see them at the train station every day, ask them simple questions, and they go rummaging through their books : "Lesseee...what do I tell them ?"

    When I tell them of my concern for them in following a supposed God's sprit-led org that makes failed prophecies over and over and over, they don't say "No - that can't be !" but instead get on the defensive...

    People are being HARMED by the Watchtower - child abuse cases are rampant, teenagers are committing suicide, people who need blood transfusions are going off into eternity having been presented a different Jesus, a different Gospel, and we care about them.  I care about the lost when I go street preaching with an outreach team.  We don't stand on a stool and shout: "HEY ! any JW's out there ??? You guys are a cult !!!!"  We just care.

  27. I would assume you had prior knowledge of that religious group and found out how misled you were and that you were trying to help others figure it out too before it was to late and they got hurt  like you did.  I could be wrong but that is how i would look at it.

    Add Lover of Jehovah and Jesus you said: just as the watchtower said today in our lesson. we are to love everyone as Jehovah loves everyone. Jesus Christ commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves.

    Unless You are a former Jehovah witness and decide you dont agree then all your family and friends are torn away from you and you are dead to them all.   How hypocritical

  28. Since all you do is target Biblical truth and spin it I would think your a heretic or a false prophet.  A comment can be can a question be negative?  Maybe if you were in the real truth you could give defense of your faith.  I only see a faith that looks like swiss cheese.

  29. I don't think it matters what people think, what matters is the reason why.

    History has proved time and again that the human race destroy what they don't understand, this being the main reason for ethnic cleansing.

    The Sanhedrin's wish to destroy Jesus was not because they did not know who he was, but he did not fit into the mould which they had created for him.  The clergy of Christendom, with the help of their leader Satan, have created a mould and if we do not fit into it then we, like Jesus, must be destroyed.

    x x x

  30. Most people would immediately label you as some sort of bigot.

    And that is precisely what you would be – a bigot with a warped hatred for that particular group.  If you targeted Jews, for instance, you would be instantly labeled an anti-Semite.  And you just might hear from the Anti-Defamation League.  If you targeted Roman Catholics, it would be the same.

    I am always reminded of Yul Brynner’s line in the movie Ten Commandments:  Ã¢Â€ÂœLet him rave on that men may know him mad.”  It coincides quite nicely with the words of the apostle Paul at 2 Timothy 3:8, 9:

    “Now in the way that Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so these also go on resisting the truth, men completely corrupted in mind, disapproved as regards the faith. Nevertheless, they will make no further progress, FOR THEIR MADNESS WILL BE VERY PLAIN TO ALL, even as the madness of those two men became.”

    Yes, those targeting a certain group upon whom they spew their vicious, venomous hatred may sound credible at some point, but there madness should become apparent to thinking individuals soon enough.

    Hannah J Paul

  31. I would think that you may once have been in that group and left because you found out it was not the truth they said they were.  

    An ex Mormon would most likely be able to expose why the Mormon religion is false.  An ex Jehovah's Witness would be best to show why the Watch Tower is false too.  They may have examined their religion and found it to be lacking.

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