
If I only watch satelite tv do I need a tv licence?

by  |  earlier

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I live in uk & only watch my Sky satelite, so do I need a tv licence if I don't watch terrestrial tv?




  1. unfortunatly yes you do cause the bbc are still on your satlite list of channels.sorry.

  2. Yes you do!

  3. 110% YES... true answer cause ive had this out with them myslef x

  4. You don't even have to turn the set on to cop a fine!

  5. yes you definitely do.

    there was a case a few years ago where a guy had altered his tv so that it did not receive any bbc transmissions, and he still had to pay the license fee.

  6. Hi if the tv is capable of receiving tv channels then yes. The licence is for the right to own a tv receiver not to watch bbc as a lot of people assume.

  7. yes because that over rated sports loving under valuing money grabing corpration.called the bbc.who pay thier directors and journalist. mega salaries.charge for the air waves which are should know. we have no freedom of choice in this country.

  8. Yes.  By the way, you are paying for tv channels even if you don't have a TV.  You almost certainly buy goods that are advertised on tv.

  9. If your TV is capable of receiving a terrestrial signal than yes

  10. Yes because your equipment can recieve bbc channels(even if you don't actually watch them). the tv licence money goes to the bbc so if you can prove that your equipment has been modified so that it can't recieve any bbc channels you might just get away with not paying. I've got a vague memory of readin a news story a few years ago where a guy had his tv modified in some way so that he could actually prove it couldn't recieve bbc. I think he actually went to court over it.Can't remember anymore details though.

  11. Sorry but you have got to have a TV licence regardless. I know it is a bummer.

  12. yes where ever you have a tv plus sat tv has the basic channels anyway x

  13. yes you do,if you have ANY sort of equipment that is capable of receiving tv channels then you do need a license even if you only have a pc that can get internet tv you still do wether you use it for that purpose or not.

  14. Yes you do

  15. Just left school? It's on the radio, on the TV, in the papers-YES you do.

  16. you still need a licence, if your t.v is watched with either sky tv virgin tv or a digibox you need a liicence, and im pretty sure if you watch dvds aswell u need one.


  17. yes you need a licence and guess what you need a tv licence if you have a PC so theres no getting out of it

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