
If I owned a 2005 Harley and still owed $12K on it and it breaks down, should I pay to have it fixed?

by  |  earlier

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owe $12K, making payments

repair costs $3500

is the bike worth it to throw another $3500 in repairs. or should I take my loss and sell it as is and never buy another Harley again?




  1. Yes

  2. WHY would you buy one in the first place?

  3. wow

  4. So, if ya fix it you have to sell it for $15'500 to break even! Whats market value for that model? More info required, did you buy it new? How much was it? How many Miles on it? What sort of money would you expect if you were to sell?

  5. I'm wondering why you didn't do regular maintenance on the bike (like you would for any vehicle)?  Are you a one of those people when you hear a noise on the motor you just turn the stereo up louder?

  6. joe b(lowme) the big word in your question is the first one "if",nobody on here even believes that you ride anything at all,go away with your little fantasies

    you claim to be such a tough guy,why not beat the c**p out of the dealer and get it fixed for nothing ? posmf

  7. missing some info ...

    what is the bike worth if flawless and what was the total purchase price?

    gotta give the full pic if you want any good feedback!

  8. Typical blowhard "question" of you just to bait an argument.  You think we are all asleep?  Go play outside.

  9. Money isn't the Big issue. Are you a Harley rider or a motorcycle enthusiast? If you are a "rider" fix it. If you are concerned about cost and resale, sell the parts and lower the amount owed. Then you can buy the bike you really want.

  10. Its probably worth repairing. What is the problem with it?

  11. Memory problems?

    You already said you sold the HD.

  12. Sue your mommy for dropping you on your head and use the money to get a vasectomy. The gene pool doesn't need anymore idiots like you. Doubtful you will ever get that far with a woman but just in case.

  13. Fix it

  14. "If" you have that much money you should move out of your Mom's basement and get a nice place for you and your boy friend. The guy you met at the g*y Parade.

  15. I love the hypothetical "IF" questions that aren't asked as a question or for information, but rather to make a self-opinionated statement.  In the mean time, stop wasting everyone's time, especially those who overlooking the "if" BS.

    While you're comtemplating that, consider this: If you had a 05 Honda or BMW, owed $12K, making payments, $3,500 repairs, should you fix it or junk it?

    Or better yet, given the choice between spending $3,500 to fix your j*p bike or spending $3,500 for electro-shock threapy to stop you from being delusional, which would you choose?  

  16. Of course it's worth fixing. If you owe $12k on a 3 year old bike, you have some effed up priorities. If your 3 year old bike needs a $3500 repair, you aren't taking care of it very well.

  17. This is astonishing, why would people put up with a bike that does this. Ford and Chevy don't leak, breakdown and nickel and dime you to death right from the factory. and if they did people WOULDN'T buy them.  As a counrty we can build better bikes than this, why dont we??

    Dont get me wrong not all harleys do this but quit a few do.

    i would fix the bike and sell it.

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