
If I paid off my credit card that was under collection can i still use it again if its still not expired???

by  |  earlier

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I had a balance with capital one bank but i didn't work for a very long time because i got pregnant and then obvious i had my baby, for that same reason i didnt make any payments so my account went to collections. i finally paid it off but i still have the credit card and is not expired, can i still use it or did capital one will not give me anymore credit after what happened???




  1. If they charged off the account and it went to collections, the account has been closed.  Doesn't matter that you still have the card.

  2. get a debit card, (its cheaper) and its your money that you use.

    beat them at their own game, and stay out of debt.

  3. no you can't do this but you need to call the credit card company and tell them that you paid off the card, and they might open the card back up for you.

    good luck and congrats on paying off your debt!!!  :)

  4. If you paid if off, why would you want to go through that nitemare again.  You should enjoy your freedom from that trap.  

    Think about this. . . If you have to charge it. . Maybe you can not afford it.  If you can not afford it, save for it.

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