
If I pass the US Foreign Service test. where will I be sent initially?

by  |  earlier

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In December I plan to take the test (my application was approved!). I am wondering if I pass it, where do they place you initially? I am assuming State side for awhile for some training.

Also, after the initial training - if this is the case - what areas can I expect to be deployed as a new recruit?

I am assuming if it is not State- side possibly Europe or South America? I am also assuming they will not put me in the Middle East or an at risk country (Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo, etc...).

I would greatly appreciate hearing from someone who is a current foreign service officer or an X FSO.

BTW, I registered for the Consular career track.





  1. The Foreign Service Office will have the discretion to assign you anywhere where there are vacancies.  Most probable assignment for a new one like you would be in Africa and Middle East.

  2. After you pass the test, and a background check, and a medical exam, and an interview then go to school you will be placed State side for a couple of years.  After that you must do an oversea rotation.  You will be asked to list some preferences, but here is how that goes in the government.  If you list the place they were already planning on sending you then it looks like you had some say in the matter.  Here is a phrase to get used to in the Government - Needs of the Service -  You will be sent where you are needed, even if that is the Middle East.  There is no "it's my first day" excuses.  You were tested, chosen and trained, you are expected to perform wherever you are sent.  Many of the European posts are "retirement" posts for people who have proven themselves already.  Be prepared for anything and do your best wherever you are sent and you will do fine.  Good luck

  3. You will be sent to school.

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