
If I plant non-organic potatos in organic soil will the crop be organic or not.?

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If I plant non-organic potatos in organic soil will the crop be organic or not.?




  1. That depends on the private company that certifies you, they all differ in their rules. But I suppose it's better than have the government step in and "fix it". You will have to ask them.

  2. Yes they will.

  3. The crop will be safe to eat, but you could not market it as organic produce.

    As long as you didn't use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, of course.

  4. it was my impression that the seed had to be organic for the fruit to also be organic. i could be wrong.

  5. Mike, For all practical purposes, such as you eating them, they will be organic. If that is your concern, you will be alright. If you are wanting to have them certified organic for sale, then that is a different matter. You will have to get all the rules and regulations in order. As far as I am concerned, I don't think getting certified is worth the trouble. If you are in the business of selling certified organic vegetables, I guess you would have to go through the process. For my part, if you told me they were organic, that would be enough. I would buy your potatoes.

  6. If you are cultivating potato for 3 years or more as per  organic standards and follow guidelines of certifying and inspecting agency, you will get organic certification even if you use non organic plant material. But certified seed production based on seeds acts of every country has to be amended sperately for the production of certified organic seeds for solving this problem. So the Government has to decide based on demands for organic planting material.

    In the case of potato, TPS (True potato seeds) is the method of seed production and we neednt worry about any chemicals in such small sized seeds. But think about how such small seeds are gown to seedlings.

  7. pesticides? no pesticides=organic!

  8. No. all parts(even the seed) must be organic.

  9. depends if you add fertulizer pesticides etc.

  10. The USDA regulations say you can plant tubers from non organic sources only if you cannot find what you need from a certified source and have an affidavit saying that you looked at at least 3 different sources and none had certified organic seed stock. That said, certified organic seed potatoes are very easy to find so who ever your certifier is would likely say you cannot market the spuds as organic and the area your planted them in might also lose organic certification.

    If you are not certified organic this is a moot point as you could not market anything you grow as organic legally. has all the regulations

  11. Organic because the tubers that are grown from the plant will have never seen any artificial fertiliser or pesticides.

  12. Good question - it would be up to the organic regulators to decide. I expect the crop would be non-organic.

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