
If I plant this jelly bean, will a jelly tree grow?

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If I plant this jelly bean, will a jelly tree grow?




  1. it will not grow.  You're better off mushing a bunch of them together.

  2. yes, obviously...

    I see you're on shrooms again...

  3. No.  The type of jelly beans you get at the market are genetically manipulated, they cannot reproduce.  I suggest going to a local farmers market.  It's the only place you can get natural jelly beans.  Then grow to your hearts content, my friend.

  4. Yes, but it's much better to just eat it :)

  5. Despite of their name jelly beans are not really beans, but eggs of marshmallow snail (yes - it is bits of this big snail those yummy barbecue treats are made of ) .

    If you are lucky enough to find the eggs which have not dried and died, you can grow your own marshmallow farm.

  6. NO. Not a JELLY tree, a JELLY BEAN tree, of course.

    But you must follow the rules for planting. It needs to be done by a full moon at midnight. It must be done on hallowed ground. It must be sowed with chicken blood. And you must chant over it for a fortnight. Do all this and you will have the most beautiful colorful delicious tree of your life.


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