
If I purchase a home in Nebraska, do I have to change my state of legal residence to Nebraska? (Military)?

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I'm going to purchase a home in Bellevue, NE and currently a resident of Tennessee. Do I need to change my state of legal residence if I purchase real estate in another state? (Military)




  1. No. You can only change your home of records during a reenlistment anyways. You will maintain your home of records (and keep a license from that state) and you can purchase real estate anywhere. You are only subject to income tax based on your home of records. I suggest you make sure the home of records tax rate is less than where you are now otherwise try to change it at the next time possible.

    I found this link that may either help or confuse the matter even more. I've always been told by several people in  personnel that you can change it upon reenlistment.

  2. Nope. My parents bought a house in Rhode Island and New York. Until my father retired, his legal state of residence was Oregon.

  3. No, you don't.  And you want to keep TN as long as you can. . . due the no income tax.  (I'm a TN resident also). BTW I used to live in College Heights in Bellevue but I rented.

    FOR JT:  JT, State of residence and HOR (home of record) are two different animals.  You can change your state of residence willy-nilly by filling out a form at Finance.  

    You can only change your HOR if your recruiter recorded it erroneously.   I encourage you to read the link you provided.

  4. in the military, it isn't required to change residency at all.  One of the benefits of serving.

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