
If I put an address but not a name on a letter will they still deliever it?

by  |  earlier

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And no return address?




  1. Yes

  2. of course

  3. Only if you put a stamp on it.

  4. probably

  5. Instead of a name put "Occupant" or "Resident."

  6. Yes, but it's a little less likely to arrive.

  7. Yep, sure will...

  8. Yes, but you will never know it got there since if the person you want to get it doesn't live there anymore, the next person will just throw it in the trash.  Always put a name and return address.

    If there's not enough postage, and no return address, the person can refuse it, or the post office can just throw it out.

  9. yes they will still dilever  it, and they should deliever it even if it dosent have an adress return on it, because they dont need your name or adress to mail letters.

  10. I think so.  whenever you get junk mail its adressed to the 'resident' so it really shouldn't matter

  11. Probably. However, if the letter raises suspicions, the post office has the right to open it and inspect the contents.


  12. Yes.  Mail goes to the address not the person anyway.  Haven't you ever gotten mail sent to your address for someone you've never heard of?

  13. Yes, as long as the postage is paid and the amount of postage is correct for the weight of the envelope.

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