
If I put mentos in coke will it explode or react?

by  |  earlier

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Well i have put a bet that this does not happens. Please tell in deatil or YES/No but please answer.




  1. It does happen because the carbon dioxide reacts with the mento can causes a huge jet of soda to rocket up from the bottle.  In mythbusters they did it with a nozzle and got a jet of soda going up 29 feet!  it works really good with diet coke -- and withdraw your bet -- you are going to lose it!  

    Trust me it works i have tried it i got a face full of soda and a gigantic puddle of soda on the floor and i got grounded for 2 weeks for soaking the sofa  

  2. This will give you an idea...a cruel idea. hahahaha

  3. you try it

  4. Yes, it will react.  The mentos cause the Coke to rapidly release it's carbon dioxide and it causes it to spray everywhere if it's in a 2L bottle.  Check out the page linked below, or they even did a segment on Mythbusters about it and why it happens.


  6. yes the soda shoots right out of the bottle. it won't kill you or anyone nearby. you'll just have big mess or a puddle to clean up, depending on how big of a bottle you stuck the mentos into.

    i've tried it. the soda went everywhere. i even tried it in my mouth. all i got was Fizz in my mouth

  7. oh it happens



    oh yes

    and if you have way too much free time and lots and lots of coke and mentos....


  9. it does work but its not

    dangerous or life threatening in anyway .

  10. yes it will react

  11. try it.

  12. Don't put mentos in your mouth or eat mentos while you are drinking coke it will explod in your throught and you are chouck to death.

  13. Yes! Baby it works!! Try to take back your bet! Tell them you knew it would happen, and you were just messin with them!  

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