
If I put pictures on my computer back to my camera memory card, will it show up when I print them out at CVS?

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I modified pictures (mostly brightening in Photoshop) after importing pictures on my camera memory card to my computer. I then put them back into the memory card. It doesn't show up when I go to playback, though.

Now my dad wants to go to CVS to print them out. I'm worried that when I get there, these modified photos won't show up. Will it be alright?




  1. The images have to be approprately named (ex: "IMG_XXXX.jpg" for most cameras) and in the correct folder (usually the folder within the folder named "DCIM") to be displayed on the camera playback.

    The photo kiosks at CVS will detect the files as long as they're JPEGs. I'm not too sure of other file formats. The entire memory card will be scanned for accepted file formats regardless of file name or location. It'll be fine; no worries.

  2. "It doesn't show up when I go to playback"? Playback on what? If they're jpg format, and you can open them with Photoshop, CVS should be able to print them. When you get there, ask them to open them to make sure.

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